MCEL30032 Managing Finance for Computer Science Semester Two 2024-2025 Adding Value Assignment
MCEL30032Managing Finance for Computer Science
In this assignment you will analyse a company of your choice. The company ideally would be relevant to your subject expertise (but this is not compulsory, you can choose anything within reason) - it’s more important that you work on something you are interested in!
COMP4436 Artificial Intelligence of Things - AIoT Assignment - Comparative Analysis of ML, DL and SNN Applications lgorithms in AIoT
HK PolyUCOMP4436Artificial Intelligence of ThingsComparative AnalysisSNN
The goal of this assignment is to implement and compare the performance of various machine learning (ML) and deep learning (DL) algorithms, including a spiking neural network (SNN), in the context of an Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) application.
ECS 034: Software Development in UNIX & C++ - Project 2: CDSVReader and CDSVWriter
ECS 034ECS34Software Development in UNIX & C++C++CDSVReaderCDSVWriter
You will be implementing and documenting several C++ classes to generate and parse both delimiter-separated-value (DSV) and XML files. To guide your development and to provide exposure to Test Driven Development, you will be developing GoogleTest tests to test your classes.
EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 2: Rock-Paper-Scissors
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsC++Rock-Paper-Scissors
In this project, you will be implementing a rock-paper-scissors game! Rock-paper-scissors is a hand game played between two people, in which each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes with an outstretched hand. These shapes are “rock” (a simple fist), “paper” (a flat hand), and “scissors” (a fist with the index and middle fingers extended, forming a V).
EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 1: Focaccia Bread
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsC++Focaccia Bread
In this project, you will write a program to help you purchase the correct amount of ingredients to make focaccia bread for a party.
CS1026A Computer Science Fundamentals I - Assignment 3: YouTube Emotions
CS1026AComputer Science Fundamentals IPythonYouTube Emotions
Our goal in this assignment is to use a simplified version of the NRC Emotion Lexicon to classify YouTube comments based on one of the following emotions anger, joy, fear, trust, sadness, or anticipation. Based on the emotion contained in each comment for a particular video we then want to generate a report that details the most common emotions YouTube users have towards that video based on their comments.
ITD103 IT Systems Design - Assessment Task 3 - Design Challenge 2
ITD103IT Systems DesignUMLRequirements DeterminationFMCUse Case Diagram
This is a case-based assessment. Most of the tasks need to be completed based on the IT cases that have been provided in this document. We also have provided templates for your answers (available on Canvas). This assessment focuses on the analysis and design of the structure of an information system.
CS1315 Computer Programming Assignment One - Cheapest Payment
CS1315Computer ProgrammingC++
Your task is to find out the cheapest payment amount given the corresponding prices, discount settings and headcounts. The numbers are always in the valid range stated in page 1 (no checking is needed) but the numbers are not necessarily realistic
FIT5145: Foundations of Data Science Assignment 4: Shell Commands, Data Collection, Exploratory Data Analysis and Predictive Data Analysis
FIT5145Foundations of Data ScienceRData Analysis
In this task, you are required to explore and wrangle the data in the file “covid19-cable-broadcast.csv”, which contains transcript paragraphs that were collected from various programs aired in 2020 on cable and broadcast news networks, e.g., World News Tonight on ABC and Anderson Cooper 360 Degrees on CNN.
CSC3100 Data Structures Fall 2024 Programming - Assignment 2: Queue and Time Complexity
CSC3100Data StructuresQueueTime ComplexityJavaC++
Given an n-length list, the value ai in the list satisfies that ai ∈ {1, ..., n} and i = 1, ..., n. Then, numbering each element ai in the list as bi, bi = i. Please find the minimum number of elements that should be deleted so that the list of remaining elements has the same elements as the list of their corresponding numbers.
INFO1112 Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms - A1 - Just a friendly reminder
INFO1112Computing 1B OS and Network PlatformsPythonComputer NetworksOperating System
In this assignment, you'll be creating a basic application called "Jafr" (short for "Just a friendly reminder"). This application helps multiple users manage their tasks and meetings on a Unix-like OS
ECE4122/ECE6122 Advanced Programming Techniques for Engineering Applications - Lab 3: OpenGL with OBJ files and Multiple Objects
ECE4122ECE6122Advanced Programming Techniques for Engineering ApplicationsOpenGL3D graphicsC++
To create a dynamic 3D graphics application using lighting, shading, model transformations, and keyboard inputs.
MXB261 Modelling and Simulation Science - Assignment 2 - A Simulation Project - Modelling an Epidemic
MXB261Modelling and Simulation ScienceModelling an EpidemicLatin Hypercube SamplingMarkov ProcessMonte Carlo
The theme of this project is the effect of parameter values on the behaviour of a viral epidemic a mathematical model, in both a temporal and spatial setting.
COMS10016: Imperative and Functional Programming - Coursework 01: LIST CHALLENGE
COMS10016Imperative and Functional ProgrammingLIST CHALLENGEDoubly-linked ListsC
Before you start on this task make sure you watched and understood all lectures up to Lecture 15. You should have compiled, run, and understood all the code provided for pointers, dynamic data, stacks, and lists.
Assignment: Denoising Diffusion on Two-Pixel Images
Variational AutoencodersGenerative Adversarial NetworksDenoising DiffusionBeta SchedulingVariance EstimationDDPM
The field of image synthesis has evolved significantly in recent years. From auto-regressive models and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we have now entered a new era of diffusion models. A key advantage of diffusion models over other generative approaches is their ability to avoid mode collapse, allowing them to produce a diverse range of images.
COMP4161 T3/2024 Advanced Topics in Software Verification - Assignment 2: Block Representation of Binary Numbers
COMP4161Advanced Topics in Software VerificationIsabelle
In this assignment, we consider one representation of binary numbers where the bits in a number is segmented into alternating sequences (or blocks) of 1s or 0s. For instance, ”1110011” consists of ”three 1s, two 0s, and two 1s”.
COP3502 Programming Fundamentals I - P2: RLE with Images Python
COP3502Programming Fundamentals IPythonRun-Length Encoding
In this project students will develop routines to encode and decode data for images using run-length encoding (RLE). Students will implement encoding and decoding of raw data, conversion between data and strings, and display of information by creating procedures that can be called from within their programs and externally. This project will give students practice with loops, strings, Python lists, methods, and type-casting.
PITT CS445 Algorithms and Data Structures I Project 2: LinkedDS
CS445CS0445Algorithms and Data Structures ILinkedDSJava
This project is designed to increase your experience with linked data structures. Similar to Project 1, you will work with control structures, class-building, interfaces, and generics to create a new linked data structure called a LinkedDS<T>. The LinkedDS<T> will implement the SequenceInterface<T>, so before doing anything else, take a look at the method comments in SequenceInterface.java.
FIT9132 Introduction Databases - Assignment 2 - Creating, Populating and Manipulating Databases - Paris Arrow Transit (PAT)
FIT9132Introduction DatabasesParis Arrow TransitSQLMongoDB
Your task for this assignment is to design a model for Paris Arrow Transit (PAT). Paris Arrow Transit is a private company subcontracted by the Olympic Federation to transport officials during the Olympic competition. The company realises that it needs a completely new computerised system to more efficiently manage and record its services during the Games. You have been asked to develop a database system that can meet PAT's needs, which are detailed below.
INFO1112 Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms - Assignment 2 - Tic-Tac-Toe
INFO1112Computing 1B OS and Network PlatformsTic-Tac-ToeSocket ProgrammingCC++
Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as Noughts and Crosses, is a simple yet engaging two-player game played on a 3x3 board. The game is typically played by marking the board spaces with ‘X’ and ‘O’, with players taking turns. The objective of the game is to be the first to align three of your marks—either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. More about it on Wikipedia.
CPT205 Computer Graphics (2024-25) Assessment 1 - 2D Modelling Project - Birthday Card
CPT205Computer Graphics2D ModellingC++OpenGL
You are required to create a two-dimensional (2D) Birthday Card. Your card may contain balloons, flowers, trees, smiling faces, lights, stars, clouds, sky, ground, buildings and other objects that may appear in a physical card of this kind
CISC422/CMPE422: Formal Methods in Software Engineering (Fall 2024) - Assignment 2: Class Modelling with Alloy
CISC422CMPE422Formal Methods in Software EngineeringClass Modelling with AlloyJavaPython
This assignment uses Alloy, an analysis tool for class models developed by the Software Design Group at MIT. Alloy is publicly available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS and there is extensive documentation for it, including a book, a collection of sample models, and the Stack
CMPSC461 Fall-2024 Programming Language Concepts - Assignment-4 (Function and Parameter Passing)
CMPSC461Programming Language ConceptsFunction and Parameter PassingPythonJava
For each of the cases below, write down the values of x, y, and z after the following calls to foo(). If necessary, assume that output arguments are copied back to parameters in the left-to-right order.
EE658 Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems - Fault Simulation Group Project Phase #2 - DFS and FPS
EE658Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital SystemsFault Simulationdeductive fault simulationparallel fault simulation
The second phase of the group project focuses on the implementation of two different fault simulation methods: deductive fault simulation (DFS) and parallel fault simulation (PFS), applying techniques to reduce the fault list in a netlist, and also a few modifications to your previously developed logic simulator.
CS460 Introduction to Database Systems - Problem Set 3 - Implement portions of a simple relational database management system
CS460Introduction to Database SystemsDBMSSQLJavaMarshall
In this assignment, you will implement portions of a simple relational database management system that supports a subset of the SQL language
CS 321: Programming Languages - Homework 2: Functions, Errors, Conditionals, Predicate and Multiplication
CS321COMPSCI321Programming LanguagesRacketFunctionsConditionals
Start with the f1WAE interpreter for deferred substitution, and extend the implementation to support any number of arguments to a function (including zero), and any number of arguments (including zero) in a function application:
Concurrent Programming Coursework 2024 - Prefix Scan Algorithm in C/MPI
CPrefix ScanMPI
You are required to implement the parallel prefix scan algorithm in c/mpi
DPST1091/CPTG1391 Programming Fundamentals! - Assignment 2 - CS Pet Salon
DPST1091CPTG1391Programming FundamentalsCS Pet Salon
Your task is to implement a pet salon manager involving several salons which have rooms for different types of pets. A pet salon is where pets get cared for and pampered. You will track the details of the pets being looked after in each salon!
CS544 Intro to Big Data Systems - P4: HDFS Partitioning and Replication
CS544Intro to Big Data SystemsHDFS Partitioning and ReplicationPython
In this project, you'll deploy a small HDFS cluster and upload a large file to it, with different replication settings. You'll write Python code to read the file. When data is partially lost (due to a node failing), your code will recover as much data as possible from the damaged file.
CSSE2310/CSSE7231 Computer Systems Principles and Programming - Assignment 4: Chess Server
CSSE2310CSSE7231Computer Systems Principles and ProgrammingCMultithreaded programming
The goal of this assignment is to further develop your C programming skills, and to demonstrate your under- 2 standing of networking and multithreaded programming. You are to create a server program (uqchessserver) 3 that supports multiple simultaneously connected clients playing chess against another client or against a chess 4 engine (Stockfish).
ECE 4122/6122 Advanced Programming Techniques - Lab 1: Retro Centipede Arcade Game
ECE4122ECE6122Advanced Programming TechniquesRetro Centipede Arcade GameC++
Create a simple version of the classic arcade game called Centipede. An online version of the game can be found at (https://www.mysteinbach.ca/game- zone/2153/atari-centipede/). The goal of the assignment is to try to reproduce the game play present on the listed web site
CS537 Introduction to Operating Systems - Project 4: Dynamic Stride Scheduler with Dynamic Ticket Modification
CS537Introduction to Operating SystemsLetter BoxedCDynamic Stride Schedulerxv6
In this project, you will implement a dynamic stride scheduler in xv6, incorporating dynamic ticket modification based on process behavior. The stride scheduler ensures that processes receive CPU time proportional to their assigned tickets, providing deterministic scheduling behavior. By dynamically adjusting tickets, the scheduler can adapt to changing process workloads, priorities, or resource usage.
DPST1092 Computer Systems Fundamentals - Assignment 2: a file synchroniser - rsync
DPST1092Computer Systems Fundamentalsa file synchroniser
The rsync utility is a useful and popular tool which efficiently transfers files between computers. In this assignment you will be implementing rbuoy, which is a simplified version of rsync.
COMP1511 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 2 - CS Dungeon!
COMP1511Programming FundamentalsCOMP1911CS DungeonC
Your task in assignment 2 is to create a dungeon crawler game, where you will get to design a map of connected dungeons filled with monsters, items, and a final boss at the end to defeat! You will get to play as either a Fighter or a Wizard, using your special skills and stats to defeat these monsters and beat the game!
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 4: CoolPics
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsCoolPicsC++
In this project, you will create a program that reads in a description of shapes, draws those shapes, and saves the result to a file. You will represent the different shapes using classes. Here are some examples of images created by students in past semesters:
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts - Final Project: Elevators
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsElevatorsC++
Elevators is a project that dabbles in Game Design, Artificial Intelligence, and designing real-world systems. Using C++, you will complete an implementation for a game in which the player operates 3 elevators in a busy building, making decisions and servicing requests to keep the people inside the building as happy as possible.
CSCI-1200 Data Structures - Fall 2024 Homework 6 - Recursive Kurotto Solver
CSCI1200Data StructuresC++
In this homework we will develop a solver for a paper-and-pencil puzzle game named Kurotto. The input to Kurotto is a 2D rectangular grid where all the cells are initially water. Some of the cells in the grid are labeled with a non-negative integer.
CPS 112: Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data Structures Homework 3 - Fly Away Home
Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data StructuresFly Away HomeJavaColumbia
For this assignment you will develop a simple game called “Fly Away Home.” The basic idea behind the game is to safely move Mosca around a grid to the home square before he gets eaten. The user will control the movements of the fly using arrow keys, and the frogs will move on their own. I have provided you with most of the GUI implementation. In the rest of this description are the pieces you need to implement.
ELEC576/COMP 576: Introduction to Deep Learning Assignment 1 - Backpropagation
ELEC576COMP576Introduction to Deep LearningPythonBackpropagationNeural Network
In this problem, you will learn how to implement the backpropagation algorithm for a simple neural network. To make your job easier, we provide you with starter code in three layer neural network.py. You will fill in this starter code to build a 3-layer neural network (see Fig. 1) and train it using backpropagation.
CSC4005 Parallel Programming - Project 4 Parallel Programming with Machine Learning
CSC4005Parallel ProgrammingParallel Programming with Machine Learning
In this project, you will have the opportunity to gain insight and practice in using OpenACC to accelerate machine learning algorithms. Specifically, you will be accelerating softmax regression and neural networks (NNs).
31927 Applications Development with .NET - Assignment 2 - GUI
31927Applications Development with .NET32998.NET Applications DevelopmentC#LINQ
This assessment requires you to develop an application with the necessary graphical user interface - GUI (e.g., Windows Form) and underlying functionality based on your proposed topic. This is a group assignment, and each group should ideally consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of three students.
CS460 Introduction to Database Systems - Problem Set 2 - Converting the Oscar table to XML
CS460Introduction to Database SystemsDatabaseXMLJava
In this problem, you will write a series of methods that can be used to create an XML version of the Oscar table from Problem Set 1. Your methods will be part of a larger program that uses the JDBC framework to connect to the SQLite database that you used in PS 1 and to execute the SQL queries needed to extract the necessary data.
COM661 Full Stack Strategies and Development - Assignment 1: Backend
COM661Full Stack Strategies and DevelopmentPythonFlaskMongoDBBiz Directory
Over the course of the module, we construct the Biz Directory - a sample full stack application built around a database containing information on a range of businesses and a collection of user- contributed reviews. This assignment tests your understanding of this material by having you build the back-end of your own full stack application, based around a dataset of your choice
DTS201TC Pattern Recognition - Coursework - Covid-19 CT Image Data Classification Using Principal Component Analysis
DTS201TCPattern RecognitionPCAKNNNaive Bayes ClassifierMulti-layer Perceptron
This coursework is the assessment for DTS201TC and aims to evaluate understanding of pattern representation, feature discovery and selection, foundations of pattern recognition algorithms and machines including statistical, structural and neural methods.
CS439 Introduction to Data Science - Homework 1: MapReduce, Association Rules, Locality-Sensitive Hashing
CS439Introduction to Data ScienceMapReduceAssociation RulesLocality-Sensitive HashingJava
Write a MapReduce program in Hadoop that implements a simple “People You Might Know” social network friendship recommendation algorithm. The key idea is that if two people have a lot of mutual friends, then the system should recommend that they connect with each other.
EF4323 Trading Room Workshop - Algorithmic Trading Project
EF4323Trading Room WorkshopAlgorithmic TradingVBAPythonETF
In this project, we simulate the algorithmic trading business model, where a small group of proprietary traders tries to attract outside institutional investment by marketing their trading strategies and performance.
SEHH2241 Discrete Structures 2024–2025 Semester One Individual Assignment One
SEHH2241Discrete Structures
Write a truth table for the statement below. Then, determine whether the statement is a tautology, contradiction or contingency. You are required to complete the three main connective columns of the truth table in the answer sheet.
CS480 Operating Systems - Assignment 02 Free Response Questions
CS480Operating SystemsL1 CacheScheduler
A run-time profiling tool shows that a machine with more CPU cores often has better cache hit rate (i.e., more effective caching) than the one with less CPU cores, this is particularly true when running many applications concurrently
TCS3294 Windows Programming - Assignment: Gym Management System
TCS3294Windows ProgrammingC#SQLGym Management System
The aim of the assignment is to expose students to analyse a variety of problem solutions in terms of the design concepts and programming constructs. This assignment will allow the students to produce appropriate system development documentation with complete program using C#.NET Framework programming language and SQL Server. The students should be able to apply their knowledge and skills, creativity, and critical thinking in completing the assignment.
COMP3506/7505 - Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment Two: Bloom Filter, Pathfinding, Chain Reaction
COMP3506COMP7505Algorithms and Data StructuresPriority QueueBloom FilterGraph
The main objective of this assignment is to extend your knowledge from assignment one to build more complex data structures and solve more complex problems
CS 245 Advanced Programming and Data Structures - Assignment 2 - Mouse Simulation
CS245Advanced Programming and Data StructuresJavaMouse Simulation
This assignment will have you practice developing an OOP as a Java solution and have safe trip . You are to write classes that define a Mouse, Mouse.java, and a Cat, Cat.java
CT047 Systems Programming and Computer Control - Assignment - Smart Home Controller
CT047Systems Programming and Computer ControlSPCCLabViewSmart Home Control SystemSmart Home Controller
A company has received a contract to design a controller for a Smart Home. A Smart Home is a home fitted with controllers and sensors which permit remote control and automation. The specifications and rules are listed below. Your job is to design a controller using LabVIEW that satisfies all specifications.
COMP2022 Models of Computation - Assignment 3: Turing Machine and Morphett notation
COMP2022Models of ComputationTuring MachineMorphett notation
Consider the following deterministic Turing Machine M over input alphabet Σ = {a, b}: (5 marks) State five strings that are in L(M), and five that are not. The strings should be over Σ. (5 marks) Provide a low level description in Morphett notation of a (1-tape deterministic) Turing Machine for the language that has time complexity at most 5n + 5.
ITECH3108 Dynamic Web Development - Assessment 1 - Front-end Development
ITECH3108Dynamic Web DevelopmentFront-end DevelopmentForum ApplicationJavascriptDOM
For this assessment task, you will use skills acquired through the first six weeks of material to build an interactive front-end to an API. You will be developing a front-end for a simple forum application, using front-end JavaScript, the Document Object Model, and fetch to connect to a RESTful web API. You will also submit a written reflection on your learning.
COMP3702 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 3: Reinforcement Learning
COMP3702Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningPythonPytorchDeep Q-Network (DQN)
In this assignment, you will implement Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithms and analyse their parameters and performance. This assignment will test your skills in training and understanding reinforcement learning algorithms for practical problems and understanding of key algorithm features and parameters.
JC4003: Natural Language Processing - Group Assessment: Understanding and Generating Explanations from the RuozhiBa Dataset
JC4003Natural Language ProcessingRuozhiBaData Annotation
In this group assessment, you will explore and experiment with traditional machine learning and deep learning models, including large language models (LLMs), to generate accurate meanings and explanations for the samples provided in the RuozhiBa dataset. The purpose of this exercise is to apply your knowledge from the course to a real-world dataset, practicing your skills in data annotation, model design, and evaluation.
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems for ISM - Project 2 Client-Server Computing
95702Distributed Systems for ISMJavaClient-Server ComputingTCPRPC
In Task 0, you will make several modifications to EchoServerUDP.java and EchoClientUDP.java. Note that these two programs are standard Java and we do not need to construct a web application in IntelliJ. Both of these programs will be placed in the same IntelliJ project.
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems - Project 1: Compute Hash
95702Distributed SystemsJavaServletsJSP
In this assignment, you'll build several web apps to gain more experience. You build your first set of distributed systems. These are two small web applications using Servlets and Java Server Pages.
COMPSYS 705 Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software Test
COMPSYS 705Formal Methods for Safety Critical Software
Consider two processes P,Q shown in Figure 1. Are these processes bisimilar, weakly bisimilar, similar or there is no relationship between them? Justify your selection mat- hematically by either finding the corresponding relation or showing the absence of any such relation.
Database Principles 31061 - Assignment 5: Database Project
Database Principles3106132606DatabaseSQLPostgreSQL
Your choice of database should demonstrate some initiative, and be something that is largely your own idea. It must not resemble closely any database you found in the textbook, or any other book, and it must not resemble closely any database built by a student in a previous semester.
CMU 95-702 Distributed Systems For Information Systems Management - Project 3 Blockchain and Signatures
95702Distributed Systems For Information Systems ManagementDistributed SystemsJavaBlockchain
In this project, we will illustrate an important nonfunctional characteristic of blockchain technology - its tamper evident design. We will build a stand-alone blockchain in Task 0 and a distributed system where a remote client interacts with a blockchain API in Task 1. In Task 2, we will work with digital signatures.
CS 520 Introduction to Operating Systems - Homework 3: Bus Simulation
CS520Introduction to Operating SystemsBus SimulationJava
Write the bus simulation, as explained in the class and described in the notes. Feel free to look on the web for and then re-use any suitable code for the random number generator or for linked list algorithms. With that, 1) don’t forget to include a reference to the source of any code you re-use and 3) remember to test all re-used code as you are the only one responsible for its performance..
FIT3003 Business intelligence and data warehousing - Assignment 2: M-Stay Residential Service
FIT3003Business intelligence and data warehousingM-Stay Residential Service
M-Stay is a residential service that offers homestay and rental services to Monash students and staff around Melbourne. The company has an existing operational database that maintains and stores all of the business transactions information (e.g. properties, hosts, listings, booking, etc.) required for the management's daily operation. As the business grows, M-Stay has decided to build a Data Warehouse to improve their analysis and work efficiency. However, since the staff at M-Stay have limited Business Intelligence and Data
COMP10002 Foundations of Algorithms - Assignment 2: Dynamic memory and Cellular Automaton
COMP10002Foundations of AlgorithmsCDynamic memoryCellular Automaton
In this project, you will demonstrate your understanding of dynamic memory and linked data structures (Chapter 10) and extend your program design, testing, and debugging skills. You will learn about cellular automata, implement a tool for performing cellular automata computations, and use this tool to solve a practical problem.
COMP1521 Computer Systems Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Nonograms in MIPS
COMP1521Computer Systems FundamentalsNonograms in MIPSMIPSC
nonograms.c is an implementation of a program to play nonograms (also known as Picross). A nonogram puzzle takes place on a 2D grid, where the player must mark a set of cells, according to number clues placed on the edge of the puzzle.
CS-350 - Fundamentals of Computing Systems Homework Assignment #4 - BUILD
CS350Fundamentals of Computing SystemsCpthreads
To improve throughput and utilize system resources more efficiently, you’ll now modify your server to process requests using multiple worker threads. The new server will still allow to specify a maximum queue size to limit its maximum workload.
COMP1511 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Moonlander
COMP1511Programming FundamentalsCMoonlander
Moonlander is a small game where the player enters commands to move an astronaut around the moon to collect moon cheese, without running out of oxygen. The aim of the game is to collect some target amount of cheese and make it back to the lander to export the moon cheese back to Earth! Movement has an oxygen cost and to collect the cheese we may have to navigate around rocks and avoid running out of oxygen completely (a player can drop off cheese and refill their oxygen tank at the lander
CS544 Intro to Big Data Systems - P3: Large, Thread-Safe Tables
CS544Intro to Big Data SystemsgRPCPython
In this project, you'll build a server that handles the uploading of CSV files, storing their contents, and performing operations on the data. You should think of each CSV upload as containing a portion of a larger table that grows with each upload.
COMP338 Computer Vision - Assignment 1- Canny Edge Detection, Feature Extraction
COMP338Computer VisionPythonCanny Edge Detection Feature Extraction
OpenCV provides a function canny() to get the edge detection result with an image (you can use any grey image). Please do the following: (25 marks) Reimplement the canny operation without using the built-in canny() function (with some explanations of the code). (10 marks) Test and visualize your implementation results. (with different filters, different thresholds and others) (15 marks) Discuss the difference between your implementation, your results compared with the OpenCV implementation. (Compare the numerical results and the running time and others.)
CS 660 Graduate Introduction to Database Systems - Programming Assignment 2 - B+ Tree
CS660B+ TreeC
In this assignment, we will implement a file with a tree index. The file will store tuples in sorted order and the index will allow us to quickly find tuples based on an integer key.
DPST1091/CPTG1391 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 1: Sokoban
DPST1091CPTG1391Programming FundamentalsSokobanC
Sokoban is a simple Japanese puzzle game from the 80's, although the rules are simple, levels can be deceptively hard. The main idea of Sokoban is a small grid board, containing walls, boxes, storage locations and a single player. The player moves around the board pushing boxes around until they manage to get all boxes stored in one of the storage locations! Feel free to check out the wikipedia entry for Sokoban too. For this assignment, you will be building both a level generator for the game, as well as the mechanics to play your created levels!
CS 188 Introduction to Artificial Intelligence - Project 3: Reinforcement Learning
CS188Introduction to Artificial IntelligenceReinforcement LearningPythonValue IterationQ-Learning
In this project, you will implement value iteration and Q-learning. You will test your agents first on Gridworld (from class), then apply them to a simulated robot controller (Crawler) and Pacman.
EECS 183 Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 3: Ciphers
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsCiphersC++Encryption AlgorithmCryptography
In this project, you will move on to cryptography and you’ll be asked to encrypt and decrypt messages using three different encryption algorithms. The S’more part of this project will challenge you to “crack” others’ secret messages in ciphertext and convert them back to plaintext.
CITS3402 High Performance Computing - Assignment - Sparse matrix-matrix multiplication using MPI and OpenMP
CITS3402High Performance ComputingMPISparse matrix-matrix multiplicationOpenMPC
Your task is to implement the matrix-matrix multiplication algorithm using MPI and OpenMP taking two sparse matrices in the matrix market representation as the input.
CSEE4119 F24 Computer Networks Project 1: Video CDN
CSEE4119Computer NetworksVideo CDNCSocket ProgrammingContent Delivery Network
In this project, you will explore aspects of how streaming video works, as well as socket programming and HTTP. In particular, you will implement adaptive bitrate selection. The programming languages and packages are specified in the development environment section.
COMP3411/9814 24T3 Artificial Intelligence - Assignment 1: Artificial neural networks
COMP3411COMP9814Artificial IntelligenceArtificial neural networksPython
In this assignment, you will use artificial neural networks for drought modelling in the Murray-Darling Basin. You will conduct two tasks: (a) A classification task to predict whether there is ‘a drought’ or ‘no drought’ based on the climate conditions. (b) A regression task to predict the intensity of a drought based on the climate conditions.
CSC 485H/2501H: Computational linguistics, Fall 2024 - Assignment 2: The Lesk algorithm & word2vec, BERT and Transformer
CSC485Computational linguisticsThe Lesk algorithmword2vecPythonBERT
Recall the problem of word sense disambiguation (WSD): given a semantically ambiguous word in context, determine the correct sense. A simple but surprisingly hard-to-beat baseline method for WSD is Most Frequent Sense (MFS): just select the most frequent sense for each ambiguous word, where sense frequencies are provided by some corpus
FIT2014 Theory of Computation - Assignment 2- Regular Languages, Context-Free Languages, Lexical analysis, Parsing, Turing machines and Quantum Computation
FIT2014Theory of ComputationRegular LanguagesContext-Free LanguagesLexical analysisParsing
In these exercises, you will: implement a lexical analyser using lex (Problem 3); implement parsers using lex and yacc (Problems 1–6); program a Turing machine (Problem 7);
INFO1113 COMP9003 Object-Oriented Programming - Assignment: Ink Ball
INFO1113COMP9003Object-Oriented ProgrammingOOP
In this assignment, you will create a game in the Java programming language using the Processing library for graphics and gradle as a dependency manager. In the game, balls spawn and move around the screen and the player can draw lines to direct them into holes of the same colour. When balls are reflected off a player-drawn line it disappears. If a ball enters a hole of a wrong colour, score is lost and it respawns. Once all balls are captured by holes, the player wins.
ICT340 Application Analysis and Design - Assignment: Drone Service application
ICT340Application Analysis and DesignUML
DroneTech is a technology company that develops numerous unmanned aerial vehicles, called drones for many purposes. DroneTech invests heavily on research and development of its drone products. A new Drone Service application is required to allow clients to request and receive drone services.
COMP517 Data Analysis - Lab 9: Introduction to One-way ANOVA and Simple Linear Regression
COMP517Data AnalysisOne-way ANOVALinear RegressionPython
In this lab, we introduce the fundamental concepts of hypothesis testing using one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and simple linear regression models. We will use ANOVA statistical techniques to analyze exam scores across various streams of students.
BFF5555 Financial machine learning - Project: Predict positive market movements
BFF5555Financial machine learningPredict positive market movementsBinary ClassificationHyperparameter TuningCross Validation
You are required to develop a machine learning model to predict positive market movements (uptrend). This prediction task will be treated as a binary classification problem, where the target variable is binary [0, 1].
COMP3095 Web Application Development Using Java - Assignment 1: Room Booking and Event Management System
COMP3095Web Application Development Using JavaJavaRoom Booking and Event Management SystemPostgreSQLMongoDB
The goal of this assignment is to design and implement a microservices-based room booking and event management platform for George Brown College. Your platform should allow students, staff, and faculty to book room resources for events and meetings. The focus will be on microservices creation, database integration using JPA, inter-service communication, containerization with Docker, and integration testing.
CSC148 Introduction to Computer Science - Assignment 2: A Treemap Visualiser
CSC148Introduction to Computer ScienceA Treemap VisualiserPython
For this assignment, you will write an interactive treemap visualisation tool that you can use to visualise hierarchical data. It will have a general API (imple- mented with inheritance, naturally!) and you will define specific subclasses that will allow you to visualise two different kinds of data: the files and folders in your computer, and a categorization of Computer Science Education research papers.
CSC343 Introduction to Databases - Assignment 2 - Warmup
CSC343Introduction to DatabasesSQLPostgreSQL
In this assignment, we will work with a database for a veterinary clinic, with a similar but not identical schema to the one you saw in Assignment 1. Keep in mind that your code for this assignment must work on any database instance (including ones with empty tables) that satisfies the schema.
CY 5010 Cybersecurity Principles and Practices - Lab 2: Cryptosystem Implementation
CY5010Cybersecurity Principles and PracticesCryptosystem ImplementationBash
In this lab assignment, you will implement a cryptographic scheme intended to provide the most important protections for preserving chain of custody of a digital evidence. Your scheme must provide integrity and non-repudiation among the custodians involved, and also the communication with a central ledger, which implements a hash chain of the custodian signatures preventing the modification of the records.
COMP4500/7500 Advanced Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment 2
COMP4500COMP7500Advanced Algorithms and Data StructuresJava
You are in charge of managing a venue for k consecutive days from day 0 to day k − 1 (inclusive), where k ≥ 1. There are n different configurations, c0, c1, . . . cn−1, that the venue can be in, where n ≥ 1. The venue must be in exactly one of the n different configurations at any one time, and is in configuration c0 on day 0.
FIT2004 Algorithms and data structures - Assignment 2: A Fun Weekend Away and Customised Spell Checker
FIT2004Algorithms and data structuresPythonA Fun Weekend AwayCustomised Spell Checker
Given all the hard work during the semester, you and your friends decided that you should better get a weekend off after Week 12 before starting preparing for your final exams. Your plan is to do some fun activity (e.g., surfing, hiking, kayaking, mountain biking, etc.) during this weekend getaway
CSC 485H/2501H: Computational linguistics, Fall 2024 - Assignment 1: Transition-based dependency parsing and Graph-based dependency parsing
CSC485Computational linguisticsTransition-based dependency parsingPythonGraph-based dependency parsing
Dependency grammars posit relationships between “head” words and their modifiers. These rela- tionships constitute trees where each word depends on exactly one parent: either another word or, for the head of the sentence, a dummy symbol, “ROOT”. The first part of this assignment concerns a parser that builds a parse incrementally
Computer Science 320SC Applied Algorithmics - Programming Assignment 5: Finding partner and Killing enemies.
COMPSCI 320COMP320Applied AlgorithmicsMeet your partner at skyscraperDynamic ProgrammingPython
This 5th assignment lets you get familiar with dynamic programming design and development. It is worth 5% of your total course marks. We would like you to implement efficient dynamic programming algorithms for two tasks: Task 1: Finding partner and Task 2: Killing enemies.
ECE 4016 Computer Networks - Assignment 1: Local DNS Server
ECE4016Computer NetworksLocal DNS ServerPython
In this assignment, you are required to implement a simple Local DNS Server
CS112 Lab 09: Neural Networks
CS112Introduction to CS IIMachine LearningJavaNeural Networks
Later this semester, you will create a working neural network in Java, using only your own code. In later classes, you will probably use neural network libraries developed by others to learn about many facets of Machine Learning. But in this class, you will learn that there is no magic in making a neural network— it is something you can build yourself...though the fact that neural networks perform so well does seem like magic.
COMP 348 Principles of Programming Languages - Assignment 1: The C Programming Language
COMP348Principles of Programming LanguagesThe C Programming LanguageCSpreadsheet
In this assignment, you will gain hands-on experience with the C programming language. While you are not required to be a C expert to complete the work, you will certainly have the opportunity to explore most of the things that we have discussed in class (and a few other things as well). In terms of your task, you will be creating a simple “spreadsheet” application that can be used to calculate and display final grades in COMP 348
COMP30026 Models of Computation - Assignment 2: Regular Languages, DFA Construction, Context-Free Languages, Closure Properties and Pumping Lemma
COMP30026Models of ComputationRegular LanguagesDFA ConstructionContext-Free LanguagesClosure Properties
To improve your understanding of formal languages, automata, and grammars; to develop your skills in analysis and formal reasoning about complex concepts, and to practise writing down formal arguments with clarity.
COMP3230 Principles of Operating Systems - Programming Assignment One: Implement a LLM Chatbot Interface
COMP3230Principles of Operating SystemsImplement a LLM Chatbot InterfaceLLMChatbotPython
The goals of this programming exercise are: To have hands-on practice in designing and developing a chatbot program, which involves the creation, management and coordination of processes.
CS152 L3D Learning from Limited Labeled Data - HW2: SSL to the Moon
CS152Learning from Limited Labeled DataSSL to the MoonPythonMachine Learningsupervised training
In this HW2, you'll implement a common method for each style of SSL, (self- and semi-), and then evaluate your implementation on a toy dataset. Problem 1: Establish a baseline for supervised training on labeled-set-only. Problem 2: Can we gain value from pseudo-labeling? Problem 3: Can we gain value from SimCLR?
CS152 L3D Learning from Limited Labeled Data - HW1: Transfer Learning for the Birds
CS152Learning from Limited Labeled DataTransfer Learning for the BirdsPythonMachine Learning
In this HW1, you'll apply Transfer Learning to a real dataset, and wrestle with several questions: Problem 1: For a specific target classification task of interest, would we rather have a source model trained on a "generic" dataset like ImageNet1k, or a smaller dataset related to our target task? Problem 2: What are the tradeoffs between fine-tuning just the last layer (aka "linear probing") and fine-tuning a few more layers? Can we compose these to do better?
COMP5511 Artificial Intelligence Concepts - Assignment 1: TSP, GA, Dynamic Optimization and Multi-objective optimization
COMP5511Artificial Intelligence ConceptsTSPGADynamic optimization problemLarge-scale optimization problem
Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP) is a classical combinatorial problem that is deceptively simple. This problem is about a salesman who wants to visit n customers cyclically. In one tour, the salesman must visit each customer just once and should finish up where he started
FIT9137 Introduction to computer architecture and networks - Assignment 2: An Enterprise Network Design Report
Introduction to computer architecture and networksEnterprise NetworkWired LANsWireless LANsBackbone Network
A public transport company requires its office buildings to be connected over a wired LAN and Wireless LAN (WLAN). You have been asked to respond to the following excerpt from their RFP (Request For Proposals) in the newspaper. Scope of The Work At present, the total number of office employees in Melbourne is 230. Each office worker is provided with an office space or cubicle with a multimedia desktop PC having a wired network connection. Owing to a business acquisition, the number of employees in Melbourne is expected to increase substantially