INFO1112 Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms - Assignment 2 - Tic-Tac-Toe
INFO1112 - Assignment 2 - Tic-Tac-Toe
Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as Noughts and Crosses, is a simple yet engaging two-player game played on a 3x3 board. The game is typically played by marking the board spaces with ‘X’ and ‘O’, with players taking turns. The objective of the game is to be the first to align three of your marks—either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. More about it on Wikipedia.
Since you have found it quite boring to play alone, you came up with the amazing idea of building a server that allows people to connect and play with you online. The server has the following features:
• Users can log in
• Users can create game rooms
• Users can join existing game rooms either as players or as viewers
• Users can view players’ moves as they are played
The specifications are divided into 3 main sections, which dictate:
• The protocol used to communicate between the client and the server for running a game.
• Server-specific runtime details and implementation
• Client-specific runtime details and implementation
This assignment is due on Sunday, 20 Oct 2024 at 23:59, Sydney local time.
1 Getting Started
To assist you in the implementation of the assignment, the game logic and input handling for tic-tac-toe has been implemented in 2 files in the scaffold:, and Your task is to extend the logic contained in these files, and create:
a server program which is responsible for handling many games of tic-tac-toe being run simultane- ously, and,
a client program, which interacts with a game server (like the one you implement), and allows an end-user to play tic-tac-toe over a network connection.
You are encouraged to run the function tic tac toe in to play the game and understand how it works. Of course, you are free to modify these files as much as you wish for your submission.
2 Sequence Diagrams
Throughout these specifications, we will be using simple sequence diagrams in order to visually depict how protocol messages are sent back and forth between the client and the server. The shapes below outline the sequence diagrams used in the assignment specifications:
• Messages from source to recipient are represented as a solid arrow with a solid arrow head. These will be labelled with the protocol message being sent:
• Return messages from recipient to source are represented as a dashed arrow with a point arrow- head. This is for cases where a recipient is expected to send a message in response back to the source. They will also be labelled with the protocol message being sent:
• Participants, which in this case, will either be a client or a server, can send and receive messages. These will be depicted as rectangles with an associated lifeline – a dashed vertical line representing the lifetime of the participant:
3 Protocol
In order to support playing the game over the network, your programs will need to implement a custom application-layer protocol as described here in order to facilitate client and server interactions.
All communications will use TCP, and you should use sockets to communicate over the network. More details about sockets are available from the documentation of Python’s socket module. A how-to guide for getting started with using TCP sockets is available on Python’s website, and some material will be included in the lab content to help explain how to create and interact with TCP sockets.
A couple of general notes about the protocol:
Like many application-layer protocols (e.g. HTTP, SMTP), the protocol is text based, and specifically, uses ASCII encoding for all data.
When sending data over the network, you will need to ensure you encode data into bytes to send it over a network socket, and when receiving data, you will need to ensure you decode the received data to interpret this as a string.
– Hint 1: use the str.encode method to encode a string into bytes with a specified encoding.
– Hint 2: use the bytes.decode method to decode bytes to a string.
You may assume that no message will ever exceed a buffer size of 8192 bytes.
The majority of protocol messages require the user to be authenticated (after a LOGIN message)
in order for a client to be able to successfully interact with the server. If a category of messages (one of the subheadings below) requires authentication, the subheading will have (authentication required) written next to it to indicate this.
– Attempting to send a message from a client requiring authentication without being logged in will result in a BADAUTH message being sent from the server to the client in response to the sent message (see below).
3.1 Authentication-related Messages 3.1.1 LOGIN:<username>:<password>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used to authenticate a user account in order to be able to play and/or watch games hosted by the server.
The client will send over the username of the user who is attempting to authenticate themselves, and a plaintext password.
When the server receives this message, it will inspect the user database to check if the user with the given <username> exists, and if so, checks that the sent <password> matches the password hash of the user in the user database, which has been encrypted with the bcrypt algorithm (see Allowed Modules for installing the bcrypt Python library on your local device).
If the username exists in the user database, and the password provided matches the password hash in the user database, the user will be considered to be successfully authenticated, meaning:
– the server should associate the client socket object of the user which sent the message with the user account as actively authenticated, meaning the user has permission to interact with all messages requiring authentication.
∗ multiple clients logging in to the same user account will not be assessed – you are free to handle this how you see fit.
– the server should respond to the client with a LOGIN:ACKSTATUS:0 message, indicating a suc- cessful authentication.
– the client should print the message Welcome <username> to stdout after having received the above message from the server.
If the username cannot be found in the user database:
– the server should respond to the client with a LOGIN:ACKSTATUS:1 message.
– the client should print Error: User <username> not found message to stderr after having
received the message above
If the username was found in the database, but the password sent did not match the password hash
in the database:
– the server should respond to the client with a LOGIN:ACKSTATUS:2 message.
– the client should print Error: Wrong password for user <username> to stderr after hav- ing received the above message from the server.
• If a LOGIN message was sent with an invalid format, i.e. 0 or 1 arguments:
– the server should respond to the client with a LOGIN:ACKSTATUS:3 message.
– NOTE: Since your client program should be correct, it should never send an invalid LOGIN
message like this, and so there is no error message the client should print in this case. However, this error message is included to help ensure robustness for the server handling such messages, such as if you were to use a program such as netcat/nc to directly send messages to the server.
Sequence Diagram
LOGIN:<username>:<password> LOGIN:ACKSTATUS:<status code>
3.1.2 REGISTER:<username>:<password>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used to create a new user account in order to be
able to play and view games.
The client will send over the username and password of the user who is attempting to register themselves.
When the server receives this message, it will inspect the user database to ensure the user with the given <username> exists does not exist, and will then perform an appropriate action described below:
• If the username does not exist in the user database, the user may be successfully created, meaning:
– the server should create a new user record in the user database, containing:
∗ the username of the new user.
∗ a password hash for the password for the new user account, hashed using the bcrypt
– once the user record is created, the server is required to immediately write to and update
the user database file with the new information for the user.
∗ you should either open and close the file for writing to do this, or altenatively, call the flushmethod to immediately write the contents of the file to the disk – either is acceptable, as
long as no data is lost.
– the server should respond to the client with a REGISTER:ACKSTATUS:0 message, indicating a
successful user account creation.
– the client should print the message Successfully created user account <username> to
stdout after having received the above message from the server.
– NOTE: the user will not be logged in immediately after registration – the client needs to send
a separate LOGIN message to authenticate the user. • If the username already exists in the user database:
– the server should respond to the client with a REGISTER:ACKSTATUS:1 message, indicating the user already exists in the user database.
– the client should print the message Error: User <username> already exists to stderr after having received the above message from the server.
• If a REGISTER message was sent with an invalid format, i.e. 0 or 1 arguments:
– the server should respond to the client with a REGISTER:ACKSTATUS:2 message.
– NOTE: Since your client program should be correct, it should never send an invalid REGISTER
message like this, and so there is no error message the client should print in this case. However, this error message is included to help ensure robustness for the server handling such messages, such as if you were to use a program such as netcat/nc to directly send messages to the server.
Sequence Diagram
This is a special message which will be sent from the server to the client in response to any protocolmessage which requires authentication to perform – so make sure you check for this message when sending 3
REGISTER:<username>:<password> REGISTER:ACKSTATUS:<status code>
an authenticated message from the client!
When a client receives this message, it should output Error: You must be logged in to perform
this action to stderr. Sequence Diagram
<any message requiring authentication> BADAUTH
3.2 Room-related Messages (authentication required) 3.2.1 ROOMLIST:<mode>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used to list rooms that are available to be joined in the specified <mode>.
<mode> may be either:
PLAYER – indicating rooms available to join as a player (and be able to play the game against an opponent).
VIEWER – indicating rooms available to join as a viewer (and be able to watch a given game).
When the server receives this message, if <mode> is formatted correctly, the server will respond with the message ROOMLIST:ACKSTATUS:0:<room list>, where <room list> is a list of comma-separated room names that are available. For instance, if the available room names are:
• Room 1
• epic room 2
• another epic room<room list> will be formatted as Room 1,epic room 2,another epic room, and thus, the acknowledge- ment message sent from the server back to the client in full will be:
ROOMLIST:ACKSTATUS:0:Room 1,epic room 2,another epic room
Upon receiving the server feedback, the client will output ”Room available to join received>” which in the example will be ”Room available to join as <mode>: 2,another epic room”
Error handling
as <mode>: <roomlist
Room 1,epic room
• If a ROOMLIST message was sent with an invalid format, such as having more/less than 1 argument, or <mode> not being PLAYER or VIEWER:
– the server should respond to the client with a ROOMLIST:ACKSTATUS:1 message.
– the client should rasie the error to stderr”Error: Please input a valid mode.”
Sequence Diagram
ROOMLIST:<mode> ROOMLIST:ACKSTATUS:<status code>[:<room list...>]
3.2.2 CREATE:<room name>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used to create a room with a specified <room
Room names must meet the following criteria:
• they may only contain alphanumeric characters (a-z, A-Z, 0-9), dashes, spaces, and underscores. • they must be a maximum of 20 characters in length.
which is validated on the server side.
The server also only allows a maximum of 256 rooms to be created. Once a game is complete, the room
is deleted.
When the server receives this message, it will perform an appropriate action described below:
If the room named <room name> does not already exist, and the <room name> is valid (from the above criteria):
– the user that created the room will automatically join the room
– the server should respond to the client with a CREATE:ACKSTATUS:0 message.
– the client should print the message Successfully created room <room name> to stdout
after having received the above message from the server.
– And the client end will wait until there’s another player joined the room. During
the wait, the client isn’t supposed to do anything else other than printing ”Waiting for other player...”.
∗ Once the client end of the first player in teh room received the BEGIN messsage mentioned below, the game will start.
If the room name character is invalid,
– the server should respond to the client with a CREATE:ACKSTATUS:1 message.
– the client should print the message Error: Room <room name> is invalid to stderr after
having received the above message from the server.
If the <room name> received already refers to a created room:
– the server should respond to the client with a CREATE:ACKSTATUS:2 message.
– the client should print the message Error: Room <room name> already exists to stderr
after having received the above message from the server.
If there are already 256 rooms created in the server (meaning no further rooms can be created):
– the server should respond to the client with a CREATE:ACKSTATUS:3 message.
– the client should print the message Error: Server already contains a maximum of 256
rooms to stderr after having received the above message from the server.
If a CREATE message was sent with an invalid format, i.e. 0 or 1 arguments:
– the server should respond to the client with a CREATE:ACKSTATUS:4 message.
– NOTE: Since your client program should be correct, it should never send an invalid CREATE message like this, and so there is no error message the client should print in this case. However, this error message is included to help ensure robustness for the server handling such messages, such as if you were to use a program such as netcat/nc to directly send messages to the server.
Sequence Diagram
CREATE:<room name> CREATE:ACKSTATUS:<status code>
3.2.3 JOIN:<room name>:<mode>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used to join a room with a specified <room name>
in the specified <mode>. <mode> may be either:
PLAYER – indicating rooms available to join as a player (and be able to play the game against an opponent).
– NOTE: There may only be 2 players in 1 given room. It is invalid for any further players to try to join a room as a player in this case.
VIEWER – indicating rooms available to join as a viewer (and be able to watch a given game). When the server receives this message, it will perform an appropriate action described below:
If the room named <room name> exists, and the <mode> provided is a valid mode, and the user can successfully join the room (from the above criteria):
– the server should add the user into the room in the mode specified by the message sent by the client.
– the server should respond to the client with a JOIN:ACKSTATUS:0 message.
– theclientshouldprintthemessageSuccessfully joined room <room name> as a <specifiedmode> to stdout after having received the above message from the server, where <specified
mode> is either player or viewer, based on what was sent.
If there is no room named <room name> in the server:
– the server should respond to the client with a JOIN:ACKSTATUS:1 message.
– the client should print the message Error: No room named <room name> to sderr after hav-ing received the above message from the server.
If the player is attempting to join <room name> as a PLAYER, but the room is already full (has 2
– the server should respond to the client with a JOIN:ACKSTATUS:2 message.
– the client should print the message Error: The room <room name> already has 2 players
to stderr after having received the above message from the server.
• If a JOIN message was sent with an invalid format, such as having more/less than 2 arguments, or
<mode> not being PLAYER or VIEWER:
– the server should respond to the client with a JOIN:ACKSTATUS:3 message.
– NOTE: Since your client program should be correct, it should never send an invalid JOIN
message like this, and so there is no error message the client should print in this case. However, this error message is included to help ensure robustness for the server handling such messages, such as if you were to use a program such as netcat/nc to directly send messages to the server.
Sequence Diagram
JOIN:<room name>:<mode> JOIN:ACKSTATUS:<status code>
3.3 Game-related messages (authentication required)
These messages describe interactions between an active game of tic-tac-toe between 2 players.
For any messages which a client sends to the server, the client is required to be authenticated, otherwise,
a BADAUTH message is sent in response by the server.
For these messages, both client and server programs may assume that messages will always be sent and received in a valid format, hence there is no need to check that messages constructed are of a valid format in for the below messages.
If, however, a client sends a message specified in this category, but they are not currently in a room (as either a player or a viewer), the server should respond with a NOROOM message (see below).
3.3.1 BEGIN:<player 1>:<player 2>
This message is sent from the server to a client, used to inform clients about the players which will be
versing each other when commencing a game of tic-tac-toe.
<player 1> is the username of the player who places the first marker (an ’X’), while <player 2> is the username of the player who places the second marker (an ’‘’O’).
When a second player joins a room, the server will send this message to all players and viewers in the current room, informing them that a game is to begin:
the client who is logged in as player <player 1> will be prompted to begin the game and place their first marker.
the client who is logged in as player <player 2> will be prompted to wait until <player 1> has placed their first marker (which means that they need to wait until a BOARDSTATUS message has been sent by the server (see below)).
any room member’s client end should output the message ”match between <player 1> and <player 2> will commence, it is currently <player 1>’s turn.’”
This message does not require the client to send anything in response.
Sequence Diagram
BEGIN:<player 1>:<player 2>
3.3.2 INPROGRESS:<current turn player>:<opposing player>
This message is sent from the server to a client who joins as a viewer to an in-progress game, informing
• the username of the player who’s turn it currently is (<current turn player>).
• the username of the opposing player who is awaiting their turn (<opposing player>).
When the viewing client receives this message, it should output the message ”Match between <current
turn player> and <opposing player> is currently in progress, it is <current turn player>’s turn” This message does not require the client to send anything in response and players’ client ends are not
supposed to receive this message. Sequence Diagram
INPROGRESS:<player 1>:<player 2>
3.3.3 BOARDSTATUS:<board status>
This message is sent from the server to a client to inform them of the current status of the game board
after a move has been made by a player.
Every player and viewer in a room must receive this message after a move has been made.
<board status> explainer
<board status> is a 9-character text string which represents the current state of the 3x3 tic-tac-toe board.
There are 3 characters used to represent a space on the tic-tac-toe board:
• 0 – empty space • 1 – ’X’ marker
• 2 – ’O’ marker
The string is essentially a 1D mapping of the 2D array for tic-tac-toe: i.e. each space in the tic-tac-toe
board numbered like so:
123 456 789
is mapped to the <board status> string 123456789. For instance, a board of the current status:
would have <board status> equal to 012010020. Client actions
Any time a client receives this message, they should print the board’s current status to stdout. Depending on whether the client in the game is a player or viewer, other specific actions will be performed:
if the client is a player, and:
– has just placed their own marker (having just sent PLACE:<x>:<y> to the server), the client will
recognise that it is the opposing player’s turn (who’s username is known from the BEGIN message sent when the game has started), and will output that ”It is the opposing player’s turn”, and wait for the opposing player to complete their turn.
– has been waiting for an opposing player – if this message is received by the player, it means that the opposing player has placed their marker, and hence, the client should output ”‘It is the current player’s turn’”, and ask the user to input the x-y coordinates of the marker they wish to place.
if the client is a viewer, after having printed the board to stdout, the client should print that it is the next corresponding player’s turn (the client will have the names of all players from either a BEGIN or INPROGRESS message sent prior).
This message does not require the client to send anything in response.
Sequence Diagram
BOARDSTATUS:<board status>
3.3.4 PLACE:<x>:<y>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used by a player to place a marker on the board
when it is the player’s current turn.
<x> and <y> refer to the coordinates on where the marker should be placed on the game board, using 0-based indexing for the spot.
The server makes the assumption that the client sending this message has already validated that <x> and <y> is valid on the client side (i.e. valid coordinates, not currently occupied, etc.), and that the PLACE message will always contain 2 arguments, and hence will simply process the request as is without needing to do any error handling. (As a rationale for this, imagine that this protocol will only ever by used by our own program implementations)
Once a client has sent a PLACE message to the server, the server will place the marker corresponding to the player appropriately, and send either a BOARDSTATUS message informing the player of the current board’s status as an acknowledgement, or a GAMEEND message (see below), indicating the game has finished.
Sequence Diagram
PLACE:<x>:<y> <return message>
This message is sent from the client to the server, and is used by a player when it is their current turn to
indicate that they wish to forfeit the current game.
Once this message is sent, the game will end, and the server will send a GAMEEND message with a <status
code> of 2 (indicating a forfeitted win) for the opposing player (see below) to all players and viewers. Sequence Diagram
GAMEEND:<board status>:2:<opposing player username>
3.3.6 GAMEEND:<board status>:<status code>[:<optional arg>]
This message is sent from the server to a client to inform them that the game of tic-tac-toe in the current
room has concluded.
<board status> represents the status code of the board at the time of the game ending, in the same
format as described in the BOARDSTATUS message (see above).
The <status code> dictates whether the game has been won by a given player (which would be provided
as an <optional arg>, or whether the game has ended in a draw):
a <status code> of 0 indicates a player has won the game. In this case, the GAMEEND message will
include a 3rd argument, which is the username of the winner of the game:
GAMEEND:<board status>:0:<winner username>
a <status code> of 1, indicating the game has ended in a draw. No additional arguments will be
GAMEEND:<board status>:1
a <status code> of 2, indicating that a player has forfeited the game. This may result in 3 circum-
– a player has purposely sent a FORFEIT message (see above) to the server when it is their turn.
– a player has disconnected while a game is in progress. In this case, the server will assume that
the player which has disconnected has implicitly forfeitted the game.
– a player’s client end encountered EOF while in the middle of the game (they should discon-
nect from the server as well).
In this case, the GAMEEND message will include a 3rd argument, which is the username of the (default)winner of the game:
GAMEEND:<board status>:2:<winner username>
After sending this message, the server will delete the room the game has been occurring in, and allow users to create/join rooms again.
When clients receives this message, they should print the status of the game’s board, and respond according to their mode in the room they are currently in:
• if they are a player, and the <status code> was 0 (indicating a win):
– their username matches the <winner username>: a message should be printed to stdout, congratulating the user that they have won the game: ”Congratulations, you won!”
– their username does not match the <winner username>: a message should be printed to stdout, informing the user has lost the game, and wishing them better luck next time: ”Sorry you lost. Good luck next time.”
if they are a viewer, and the <status code> was 0 (indicating a win), a message should be printed indicating that ”<winner username> has won this game”.
if they are either a player or a viewer, and the <status code> was 1 (indicating a draw), each client should print a message to stdout informing them that ”Game ended in a draw”.
if they are either a player or a viewer, and the <status code> was 2 (indicating a player has forfeitted), each client (if they are still running) should print a message to stdout informing them ”<winner username> won due to the opposing player forfeiting”.
This message does not require the client to send anything in response.
Sequence Diagram
3.3.7 NOROOM
GAMEEND:<board status>:<status code>[:<optional arg>]
This message is sent from the server to a client, in the case that the client which sent a game-related message (as those described above that can be sent from a client to the server) is, for whatever reason, not currently inside a room (as a player or a viewer).
Sequence Diagram
<any game-related message when not in a room> NOROOM
3.4 Example Game (after joining room): Sequence Diagram
To help illustrate an example of a complete game (from a client being a player’s perspective), a sequence diagram is included below which helps to illustrate the communications which would occur between a client and server from the beginning until the end of a game. In this case, the player’s username is alice.
PLACE:2:0 GAMEEND:221010100:0:alice
• As you can see in this diagram, once the game is started, the server will broadcast 2 players to everyone in the room. In this case, both viewers and players will know who’s in the game as players. As mentioned before, the message send from server to client at the start indicates it’s Alice’s turn.