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DTS201TC Pattern Recognition - Coursework - Covid-19 CT Image Data Classification Using Principal Component Analysis

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XJTLUDTS201TCPattern RecognitionPCAKNNNaive Bayes ClassifierMulti-layer PerceptronPython

XJTLU Entrepreneur College (Taicang) Cover Sheet Assignment Writing Service

DTS201TC Pattern Recognition
School of Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Coursework
5 pm China time (UTC+8 Beijing) on Thursday 31ST October 2024 Around 1500 Assignment Writing Service

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Weight: 40% Assignment Writing Service

Overview: Assignment Writing Service

This coursework is the assessment for DTS201TC and aims to evaluate understanding of pattern representation, feature discovery and selection, foundations of pattern recognition algorithms and machines including statistical, structural and neural methods. Assignment Writing Service

Learning Outcomes: Assignment Writing Service

A. demonstrate understanding of foundations of pattern recognition algorithms and machines, including statistical, structural and neural methods;
B. demonstrate understanding of data structures for pattern representation, feature discovery and selection;
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Technical Report Requirements: Assignment Writing Service

The student loads image data (Covid- 19 CT images) using Python package and reduces the high-dimensional data to a low dimensional data (e.g., dimension=20). The Covid-19 CT image dataset has 397 non- Covid-19 images and 349 Covid-19 images. Around 20 new features using the PCA dimension reduction can obtain a good classification performance without losing much accuracy.The student needs to compare model performance using the 20 new features with model performance using all original features. Three machine learning models (K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier and Multi- layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Networks) will be used to compare the model performances using all original features and the 20 new features. The classification performance will be different using a different machine learning model algorithm. This also will affect the feature ranking performance. The student needs to rank the importance of the 20 new features using the three models (The student can set the feature as mean value for the feature ranking). Finally, the student needs to write a Assignment Writing Service

technical report (around 1500 words) to include the following sections: Assignment Writing Service

Report Title: Covid-19 CT Image Data Classification Using Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and K-Nearest Neighbour (KNN) Classifier, Naive Bayes Classifier and Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) Neural Networks. Assignment Writing Service

Section 1: Introduction (7 marks) Assignment Writing Service

Machine learning (ML) can learn from training data and it has demonstrated greater Assignment Writing Service

accuracy in predicting Covid-19 than clinicians. Assignment Writing Service

The students need to explain what is the problem using the original high dimensional image data for the Covid-19 prediction and introduce the possible solutions. Assignment Writing Service

Section 2: Principal Component Analysis Method and Experimental Design (10 marks)
The student needs to give the correct PCA formula and explain why the PCA is needed for the application.
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Section 3: Experimental Results with Analysis (15 marks)
The student needs to use tables to show the correct experimental results with analysis in the report. The student also needs to analyze which model works best among the three models using all original features and the 20 new features, and how much loss of the accuracy using the PCA for the Covid-19 classification/prediction.
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Section 4: Conclusion (5 marks)
The student can conclude what are advantages and disadvantages using the PCA for the Covid-19 prediction based on the experimental results and PCA algorithm. The student also can conclude whether there is feature ranking uncertainty or not using the three machine learning models. The student can give recommendations to improve the Covid-19 prediction in this section.
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Section 5: References (3 marks)
The student need to read 3 or more than 3 reference papers for the technical report.
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Note: The student needs to write around 1500 words for the technical report and provide the Python code. Assignment Writing Service

Figure 1: Covid-19 and Non-Covid-19 CT images Assignment Writing Service

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Table 1 (Example): Three model performances using the 20 new features and all original features Assignment Writing Service

Training Performance (50% of the image data) Assignment Writing Service

Models kNN
Naive Bayes MLP-NNs
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Original features e.g., 93% Assignment Writing Service

... ... Assignment Writing Service

20 new features e.g., 90% Assignment Writing Service

... ... Assignment Writing Service

Test Performance (50% of the image data) kNN ... ...
Naive Bayes ... ... MLP-NNs ... ... Assignment Writing Service

Table 2 (Example): Ranking 20 new features using PCA and all data Assignment Writing Service

20 New Features Assignment Writing Service

Feature 1 Feature 2 Feature 3 Feature 4 Feature 5 Feature 6 Assignment Writing Service

Accuracy using k-NN classifier Assignment Writing Service

e.g., 80% ... Assignment Writing Service

... ... ... ... Assignment Writing Service

Accuracy using Naive Bayes classifier Assignment Writing Service

e.g., 82% ... Assignment Writing Service

... ... ... ... Assignment Writing Service

Accuracy using MLP-NNs classifier Assignment Writing Service

e.g., 90% ... Assignment Writing Service

... ... ... ... Assignment Writing Service

............ Feature 20 ... ... ...  Assignment Writing Service

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