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INFO1112 Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms - A1 - Just a friendly reminder
INFO1112Computing 1B OS and Network PlatformsPythonComputer NetworksOperating System
In this assignment, you'll be creating a basic application called "Jafr" (short for "Just a friendly reminder"). This application helps multiple users manage their tasks and meetings on a Unix-like OS
ECE4122/ECE6122 Advanced Programming Techniques for Engineering Applications - Lab 3: OpenGL with OBJ files and Multiple Objects
ECE4122ECE6122Advanced Programming Techniques for Engineering ApplicationsOpenGL3D graphicsC++
To create a dynamic 3D graphics application using lighting, shading, model transformations, and keyboard inputs.
MXB261 Modelling and Simulation Science - Assignment 2 - A Simulation Project - Modelling an Epidemic
MXB261Modelling and Simulation ScienceModelling an EpidemicLatin Hypercube SamplingMarkov ProcessMonte Carlo
The theme of this project is the effect of parameter values on the behaviour of a viral epidemic a mathematical model, in both a temporal and spatial setting.
COMS10016: Imperative and Functional Programming - Coursework 01: LIST CHALLENGE
COMS10016Imperative and Functional ProgrammingLIST CHALLENGEDoubly-linked ListsC
Before you start on this task make sure you watched and understood all lectures up to Lecture 15. You should have compiled, run, and understood all the code provided for pointers, dynamic data, stacks, and lists.
Assignment: Denoising Diffusion on Two-Pixel Images
Variational AutoencodersGenerative Adversarial NetworksDenoising DiffusionBeta SchedulingVariance EstimationDDPM
The field of image synthesis has evolved significantly in recent years. From auto-regressive models and Variational Autoencoders (VAEs) to Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), we have now entered a new era of diffusion models. A key advantage of diffusion models over other generative approaches is their ability to avoid mode collapse, allowing them to produce a diverse range of images.
COMP4161 T3/2024 Advanced Topics in Software Verification - Assignment 2: Block Representation of Binary Numbers
COMP4161Advanced Topics in Software VerificationIsabelle
In this assignment, we consider one representation of binary numbers where the bits in a number is segmented into alternating sequences (or blocks) of 1s or 0s. For instance, ”1110011” consists of ”three 1s, two 0s, and two 1s”.
COP3502 Programming Fundamentals I - P2: RLE with Images Python
COP3502Programming Fundamentals IPythonRun-Length Encoding
In this project students will develop routines to encode and decode data for images using run-length encoding (RLE). Students will implement encoding and decoding of raw data, conversion between data and strings, and display of information by creating procedures that can be called from within their programs and externally. This project will give students practice with loops, strings, Python lists, methods, and type-casting.
PITT CS445 Algorithms and Data Structures I Project 2: LinkedDS
CS445CS0445Algorithms and Data Structures ILinkedDSJava
This project is designed to increase your experience with linked data structures. Similar to Project 1, you will work with control structures, class-building, interfaces, and generics to create a new linked data structure called a LinkedDS<T>. The LinkedDS<T> will implement the SequenceInterface<T>, so before doing anything else, take a look at the method comments in SequenceInterface.java.
FIT9132 Introduction Databases - Assignment 2 - Creating, Populating and Manipulating Databases - Paris Arrow Transit (PAT)
FIT9132Introduction DatabasesParis Arrow TransitSQLMongoDB
Your task for this assignment is to design a model for Paris Arrow Transit (PAT). Paris Arrow Transit is a private company subcontracted by the Olympic Federation to transport officials during the Olympic competition. The company realises that it needs a completely new computerised system to more efficiently manage and record its services during the Games. You have been asked to develop a database system that can meet PAT's needs, which are detailed below.
INFO1112 Computing 1B OS and Network Platforms - Assignment 2 - Tic-Tac-Toe
INFO1112Computing 1B OS and Network PlatformsTic-Tac-ToeSocket ProgrammingCC++
Tic-Tac-Toe, also known as Noughts and Crosses, is a simple yet engaging two-player game played on a 3x3 board. The game is typically played by marking the board spaces with ‘X’ and ‘O’, with players taking turns. The objective of the game is to be the first to align three of your marks—either horizontally, vertically, or diagonally. More about it on Wikipedia.