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CPT205 Computer Graphics (2024-25) Assessment 1 - 2D Modelling Project - Birthday Card
CPT205Computer Graphics2D ModellingC++OpenGL
You are required to create a two-dimensional (2D) Birthday Card. Your card may contain balloons, flowers, trees, smiling faces, lights, stars, clouds, sky, ground, buildings and other objects that may appear in a physical card of this kind
CISC422/CMPE422: Formal Methods in Software Engineering (Fall 2024) - Assignment 2: Class Modelling with Alloy
CISC422CMPE422Formal Methods in Software EngineeringClass Modelling with AlloyJavaPython
This assignment uses Alloy, an analysis tool for class models developed by the Software Design Group at MIT. Alloy is publicly available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS and there is extensive documentation for it, including a book, a collection of sample models, and the Stack
CMPSC461 Fall-2024 Programming Language Concepts - Assignment-4 (Function and Parameter Passing)
CMPSC461Programming Language ConceptsFunction and Parameter PassingPythonJava
For each of the cases below, write down the values of x, y, and z after the following calls to foo(). If necessary, assume that output arguments are copied back to parameters in the left-to-right order.
EE658 Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital Systems - Fault Simulation Group Project Phase #2 - DFS and FPS
EE658Diagnosis and Design of Reliable Digital SystemsFault Simulationdeductive fault simulationparallel fault simulation
The second phase of the group project focuses on the implementation of two different fault simulation methods: deductive fault simulation (DFS) and parallel fault simulation (PFS), applying techniques to reduce the fault list in a netlist, and also a few modifications to your previously developed logic simulator.
CS460 Introduction to Database Systems - Problem Set 3 - Implement portions of a simple relational database management system
CS460Introduction to Database SystemsDBMSSQLJavaMarshall
In this assignment, you will implement portions of a simple relational database management system that supports a subset of the SQL language
CS 321: Programming Languages - Homework 2: Functions, Errors, Conditionals, Predicate and Multiplication
CS321COMPSCI321Programming LanguagesRacketFunctionsConditionals
Start with the f1WAE interpreter for deferred substitution, and extend the implementation to support any number of arguments to a function (including zero), and any number of arguments (including zero) in a function application:
Concurrent Programming Coursework 2024 - Prefix Scan Algorithm in C/MPI
CPrefix ScanMPI
You are required to implement the parallel prefix scan algorithm in c/mpi
DPST1091/CPTG1391 Programming Fundamentals! - Assignment 2 - CS Pet Salon
DPST1091CPTG1391Programming FundamentalsCS Pet Salon
Your task is to implement a pet salon manager involving several salons which have rooms for different types of pets. A pet salon is where pets get cared for and pampered. You will track the details of the pets being looked after in each salon!
CS544 Intro to Big Data Systems - P4: HDFS Partitioning and Replication
CS544Intro to Big Data SystemsHDFS Partitioning and ReplicationPython
In this project, you'll deploy a small HDFS cluster and upload a large file to it, with different replication settings. You'll write Python code to read the file. When data is partially lost (due to a node failing), your code will recover as much data as possible from the damaged file.
CSSE2310/CSSE7231 Computer Systems Principles and Programming - Assignment 4: Chess Server
CSSE2310CSSE7231Computer Systems Principles and ProgrammingCMultithreaded programming
The goal of this assignment is to further develop your C programming skills, and to demonstrate your under- 2 standing of networking and multithreaded programming. You are to create a server program (uqchessserver) 3 that supports multiple simultaneously connected clients playing chess against another client or against a chess 4 engine (Stockfish).