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INFO5001 Application Modeling and Design Assignment 7 Reports

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NEUINFO5001Application Modeling and DesignJava

Assignment 7 Reports Assignment Writing Service

Due 11:59PM ET on April 5 Assignment Writing Service

Part 1 – Populating the model – (40 pts) Assignment Writing Service

Populate the model with the following: a. Business-1. Assignment Writing Service

  1. Suppliers - 50. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Pick any 30 Suppliers and add 50 Products to Assignment Writing Service

    each. Assignment Writing Service

  3. Customers - 300. Assignment Writing Service

  4. Addorderssothateverycustomerhasfrom1-3 Assignment Writing Service

    orders. Assignment Writing Service

  5. Each order should have up to 10 items. Assignment Writing Service

Implement any classes, methods if you need to. Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

Part 2 – Reporting Requirements (60 pts) Assignment Writing Service

a. Create a SupplierReport and SupplierSummary classes and add implement a report with the following columns: Assignment Writing Service

- Supplier Name,
- Total Sales,
- Loyalty score (Number of different customers who
picked suppliers products divided by number of all customers)
- Average spending per customer (Total sales divided
by number of different customers)
- Top 5 Sales Score (Total sales to top 5 Customers divided by total sales)
Assignment Writing Service

b. Print the report to the Terminal. Assignment Writing Service

Implement any classes, methods if you need to.  Assignment Writing Service

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