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Algorithmic Game Theory Summative Assignment: Nash equilibria and Auction

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Algorithmic Game Theory Summative Assignment Assignment Writing Service

2024 Assignment Writing Service

IMPORTANT: You should submit a single PDF file named SOLUTIONSXXXXXX.pdf, where XXXXXX is your CIS username in lowercase letters. Assignment Writing Service

Solve exercises 1 - 5. Assignment Writing Service

Your answers should be either written using Latex (you may use the settings of the Latex template file AGTassignment-23-24.tex provided) and compiled into pdf (only the pdf should be handed in), or hand- written and scanned (in which case you should hand in the scanned pdf). Assignment Writing Service

Note 1: Make sure your answers are clear and detailed. Marks will be deducted if your answers are not clear or explanations are missing.
Note 2: In the case where you return a scanned copy of your handwritten notes, please make sure your writing is legible and neat. Marks will be deducted if your answers are not neatly written. Assignment Writing Service

Note 3: Please remember that you should not share your work or make it available where others can find it as this can facilitate plagiarism and you can be penalised. This requirement applies until the assessment process is completed which does not happen until the exam board meets in June 2024. Assignment Writing Service

Exercise 1. A crime is observed by a group of n people. Each person would like the police to be informed, but prefers that someone else make the phone call. Suppose each person attaches the value v to the police being informed and bears the cost c if she makes the call, where v > c > 0. Suppose also that each person attaches the value 0 to the police not being informed. Assignment Writing Service

  1. (a)  Formulate the above game as a strategic game.
    Clearly define the players, actions and payo
    s. [5 marks] Assignment Writing Service

  2. (b)  Does the game have any pure Nash equilibria and, if so, what are they? Justify your answer and show all your working. [5 marks] Assignment Writing Service

  3. (c)  The game is symmetric, so it must have a symmetric Nash equilibrium. Find said equilibrium. Assignment Writing Service

Show all your working. Assignment Writing Service

Exercise 2. Two players, Player 1 and Player 2, take turns removing 1 or 2 cards from a stack of 6 cards, i.e., each of them, every time their turn comes, pick 1 or 2 cards to remove. Player 1 starts the game. Whoever picks the last card wins 1 unit of payofrom the other player (who looses one unit of payo). Assignment Writing Service

  1. (a)  Writedownagametreerepresentingthisgameinextensiveformandfindallsolutions(subgame perfect equilibria) using backward induction.
    Clearly describe your steps in detail. Who wins?
    [7 marks] Assignment Writing Service

  2. (b)  Generalise your answer for the case where there are n cards in the stack, n 2 N, and each of the two players picks 1 or 2 cards to remove every time their turn comes. Who wins? Justify Assignment Writing Service

your answer and show all your working. Assignment Writing Service

(a) Consider the selfish load balancing scenario of m equispeed machines (all speeds equal to 1) and n selfish users (user i = 1,...,n) with integer weights w1,w2,...,wn. User i has to choose a single specific machine to allocate her weight, wi.
The cost of user
i, provided that she chooses to allocate her load wi to machine j, is exactly the sum of all loads that are allocated to machine j. Assignment Writing Service

For any particular allocation A of weights to machines as described above, let lj(A) be the (total) load of machine j. Consider the function: Assignment Writing Service

Xm Assignment Writing Service

l j2 ( A )
potential is it? Justify your answer(s).
[5 marks] Assignment Writing Service

F ( A ) =
(a1) Is this function a potential of the load balancing game considered, and if so, what type of
Assignment Writing Service

(a2) Based on (a1), give the pseudocode of a program that uses F to compute a pure Nash equilibrium of the game. [5 marks] Assignment Writing Service

(b) Consider the following instance of the load balancing game where the number of tasks is equal to the number of machines, and in particular we have: Assignment Writing Service

m identical machines M1, M2, . . . , Mm (all of speed 1), Assignment Writing Service

midenticaltasksw1 =w2 =···=wm =1.
Consider also the mixed strategy profile
A where each of the tasks is assigned to all machines Assignment Writing Service

equiprobably (i.e., with probability 1/m). Assignment Writing Service

  1. (b1)  Calculate the ratio cost(A)/cost(OP T ) in the special case where m = 2. [2 marks] Assignment Writing Service

  2. (b2)  Calculate the ratio cost(A)/cost(OP T ) in the special case where m = 3. [3 marks] Assignment Writing Service

  3. (b3)  Discuss what the ratio cost(A)/cost(OP T ) is for arbitrary m. What does this imply about the Price of Anarchy on identical machines for mixed Nash equilibria? [10 marks] Assignment Writing Service

Exercise 4. We consider a (matching) market of k sellers and k buyers, where k is an integer, k > 0. Assignment Writing Service

Each seller sells an item and the prices of the items are initially all zero. Buyer i has valuation k i + 1 for the first item and valuation 0 for every other item, as shown in the following diagram. Assignment Writing Service

Buyers Assignment Writing Service

x1 x2 . Assignment Writing Service

xk Assignment Writing Service

  1. (a)  What are the prices of the sellers’ items (1st item, 2nd item, . . . , kth item) when the market Assignment Writing Service

    clears? Assignment Writing Service

  2. (b)  Which buyer gets the 1st item and at what price? Assignment Writing Service

  3. (c)  Justify your answers to (a) and (b). Assignment Writing Service

  4. (d)  Which kind of auction does the construction of market-clearing prices procedure implement in Assignment Writing Service

Valuations (for items 1 to k) k, 0, ..., 0 k1, 0, ..., 0 Assignment Writing Service

[2 marks] [2 marks] [7 marks] Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

A set N of |N| = n neighbours decide simultaneously and independently from each other, on one hand whether to build an extension to their home without getting proper planning permission, and on the other hand which of their neighbours to notify the local authority’s planning department about. The possible payos for a player i 2 N are: Assignment Writing Service

a if i built an extension without proper permission and none of the neighbours informed on him; b if i did not build an extension without proper permission; and Assignment Writing Service

c if i built an extension without proper permission and at least one of the neighbours informed on him. Assignment Writing Service

We assume that a > b > c. Assignment Writing Service

  1. (a)  Let A = {v,nv}, where ‘v’ stands for ‘violating the law (by building an extension without proper permission)’ and ‘nv’ stands for ‘not violating the law (by not building an extension without proper permission)’. Clearly explain why the set of pure strategies of player i is of the formSi={(xi,Ki) : xi2A,KiN}.WhatisthemeaningofthesetKi? [5marks] Assignment Writing Service

  2. (b)  Consider the strategy profile s = ((x1, K1), . . . , (xn, Kn)) and let (s) be the set of players who arenotviolatingthelawins,thatis(s)={i|i2N , xi =nv}. AlsoletK(s)bSetheset of players that are being informed on by at least one neighbour in s, that is K(s) = ni=1 Ki. Determine a necessary and sucient condition for s to be a Pure Nash Equilibrium of this Assignment Writing Service

game. Justify your answer. Assignment Writing Service

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