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Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour 2024 Coursework No 2: Technical report

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Assignment Writing Service

Acquired Intelligence and Adaptive Behaviour 2024 Coursework No 2 Assignment Writing Service

Deadline: 21th of May, 16:00 hrs
Extension: 6-14 pages + references (and appendix if needed) Submission format: PDF
Assignment Writing Service

You have to write a technical report describing an investigation related to the topics covered in class. For choosing the specific topic of investigation, you have to make a number of choices described below. Assignment Writing Service

1. Environment: Assignment Writing Service

You can choose to work with one of three possible setups: a) Physical robotics. Assignment Writing Service

b) Robot simulation, considering details of the physical environment. c) An abstract, simplified environment. Assignment Writing Service

Please note that (a), (b) and (c) are ordered according to their difficulty (with (a) being the most difficult and (c) the easiest). Marking will consider the challenges involved with each scenario, being more generous for more difficult setups and stricter with simpler setups. Assignment Writing Service

2. Agent(s): Assignment Writing Service

You have to choose what type of agent/agents you will study: Assignment Writing Service

  1. Evolution — GAs or other stochastic methods (particle filters, etc). Assignment Writing Service

  2. Learning — back propagation, reinforcement learning, Hebbian learning, etc. Assignment Writing Service

  3. A combination of methods involving both evolution and learning. Assignment Writing Service

  4. Other methods (speak with the TAs). Assignment Writing Service

Research topic: Assignment Writing Service

After these choices have been made, you have to decide what is the specific topic of your investigation. You can investigate a question that you find most interesting, related to what we have seen in class. If you need inspiration, below you can find some ideas: Assignment Writing Service

  1. Identify a specific hypothesis that you want to test. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Perform some analysis to test the hypothesis. Assignment Writing Service

  3. Use the results of your analysis to reach a conclusion. Assignment Writing Service

Report structure:
Here is a suggested structure for the report: Assignment Writing Service

  1. Introduction: a general explanation of the investigation. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Hypothesis and methods: a description and explanation of your choices for Assignment Writing Service

    environment, agent, and adaptation mechanism, together with a clear presentation of Assignment Writing Service

    your driving hypothesis. Assignment Writing Service

  3. Results: a description of the experiments you did and what you found. Assignment Writing Service

  4. Discussion: a presentation of your conclusions related to your hypothesis. You can Assignment Writing Service

    mention implications of these conclusions, and also describe possible next steps for future work that could eventually continue what you did. Assignment Writing Service

5. Assignment Writing Service

Notes: Assignment Writing Service

  • -  There is an infinite number of potential investigations. Different students are expected to Assignment Writing Service

    develop non-overlapping topics (please don’t copy what others are doing, it is very easy Assignment Writing Service

    to note). Assignment Writing Service

  • -  You can use different AI tools (e.g. Chat-GPT) to help yourself with the writing style of Assignment Writing Service

    parts of your report. If you use them, you must acknowledge at the end to what degree different sections used such tools. Failure to acknowledge this (which is also easy to note) will be severely penalised. Assignment Writing Service

  • -  Write as concisely as you can. If you can fit your ideas into 6 pages that is great; marks are not related to length per se. Assignment Writing Service

Marking scheme Assignment Writing Service

As a guide, the contributions of different aspects of the report run as follows: Assignment Writing Service

  • 90% – 100%: A truly outstanding project. The project outcomes (system, theory, empirical evaluation) should be essentially faultless, well-structured and carefully tested, proved or rigorously evaluated. There should be full achievement of objectives and evidence of original thought. The project objectives must be very demanding and there should be a wide range of cogently-justified project extensions. The report should be superbly organised and presented and lucidly written. The quality of the research and report should be equally high. The work should be of publishable quality in a peer-reviewed national conference. Assignment Writing Service

  • 80% – 89%: An outstanding project. The project outcomes (system, theory, empirical evaluation) should be essentially faultless, well-structured and carefully tested, proved or rigorously evaluated. There should be full achievement of demanding objectives and evidence of original thought. The report should be well organised and presented and clearly written. Assignment Writing Service

  • 70% – 79%: Students will show an understanding of all aspects of the project material, producing work without significant error or omission. Project objectives should be reasonably demanding and fully achieved. The report should display excellent organisational and presentational skills, and contain a thorough evaluation and objective critical reflection. Assignment Writing Service

  • 60% – 69%: The project should be competent in all respects. The project's primary objectives are somewhat demanding and should be substantially achieved to a reasonable standard. Students will show an understanding of the technical and professional issues involved. The presentation and organisation of the report should be clear. Assignment Writing Service

  • 50% – 59%: The project should be competent in most respects. The project objectives may not be very demanding but should be achieved to a reasonable standard. The presentation and organisation of the report should be reasonably clear. There may be some signs of weakness, but overall the grasp of the topic should be sound. Assignment Writing Service

  • 40% – 49%: The project will indicate a basic understanding of the methods to be used and how to organise and present the work in the report, but will not have gone beyond this, and there may well be signs of confusion about more complex Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

material. There should be fair work towards the project objectives and the final Assignment Writing Service

report must clearly represent a development of the interim report. Assignment Writing Service

  • 30% – 39%: There should be work towards the project objectives, but significant Assignment Writing Service

    issues are likely to be neglected. There may be significant errors or misconceptions in the project. The final report may represent little progress with respect to the interim report. Assignment Writing Service

  • 15% – 29%: The project may contain some correct and relevant material, but most issues are neglected or are covered incorrectly. There should be some signs of appreciation of the project requirements. Assignment Writing Service

  • 0% – 14%: Very little or nothing that is correct and relevant and there is no real appreciation of the project requirements.  Assignment Writing Service

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