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1DV721 System Administration Assignment #1 Flow Analysis

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1DV721 System Administration Assignment Writing Service

Assignment #1 Flow Analysis Assignment Writing Service

You have been hired by LNU. Co. Ltd. as a System Administrator for doing a network re- design. They already have a network that is operational with around one thousand users. You will start with performing several analyses in the existing network depicted in Fig. 1. Assignment Writing Service

2 Preparation Assignment Writing Service

Figure 1: Device map Assignment Writing Service

You arrive at the LNU’s campus and meet the System Administrator there. During your meeting, you realize that the current design is not a product of analysis, architecture and design process. There does not exist any requirements specifications to help you identify the flows in a bottom- up approach. You immediately schedule a RA which will take some time to complete. Assignment Writing Service

Meanwhile you are requested to address couple of performance issues as soon as possible. Therefore you follow a top-down approach and try to identify the flows via analyzing the current network traffic.
2.1 Capture network traffic Assignment Writing Service

A fellow network analyst has already captured sample traffic from the network from the point shown in Fig. 1. You can find the capture file in assignment 1 section of Moodle. Assignment Writing Service

3 Flow Analysis Assignment Writing Service

In this section, you are going to process the capture using the knowledge you gained in the course in order to build Flow Analysis. Refer to chapter four in the book for additional assistance. Note that after following the procedures below, you will be able to identify the flows however you may not know (but have an educated guess though) which ones are mission critical. You can assume mission critical operations for our business (LNU’s) according to your understanding. Assignment Writing Service

1 Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

An additional learning outcome expected in this section is to enhance your Wireshark skills. Assignment Writing Service

3.1 Flow Identification Assignment Writing Service

Provide a summary information regarding the capture process, i.e. how long the capture lasted, how many packets have been captured etc. Assignment Writing Service

Provide a graph that visually identifies the protocols and their statistics in a hierarchical manner with respect to OSI model. Assignment Writing Service

Identify the flows. How many are there in total? Pick the ones that you think would likely to drive the architecture and design for proceeding with flow analysis. Motivate and elaborate your reasons for picking those. Assignment Writing Service

Develop profiles for the flows you chose if applicable. Motivate your reasons for profiling. Assignment Writing Service

In the Analyze menu of Wireshark, locate” Expert Info”. Explain what information is given and how would it be useful. Assignment Writing Service

Navigate to Analyze>Enabled Protocols. Locate HTTP, uncheck it and apply. What did change in the capture? Discuss the importance of protocol dissectors in Wireshark. Assignment Writing Service

Locate a TCP flow destined to port 8880, right-click it then click” Decode As” and choose HTTP. What did change in the capture and what is the role of Decode As? Why is it needed? Assignment Writing Service

3.2 Flow Engineering Assignment Writing Service

Following tasks should be performed on the flows and/or profiles that you picked in section 3.1 Assignment Writing Service

Explain for each flow/profile if it is individual or composite. Explain why. Assignment Writing Service

Identify the sources and sinks of the flows. Provide detailed information such as how many packets and bytes had been exchanged at what directions. Assignment Writing Service

Considering the amounts as well as the directionality of the packets exchanged, can you suggest a flow model that each flow/profile may be associated with? Motivate your answer. Assignment Writing Service

Reconstruct the application layer contents of one of the ERP application flows. Identify some of the protocol specific commands and codes and briefly explain them. Assignment Writing Service

Graph the flow in previous task. Explain how the start and the end of a flow can be identified? Assignment Writing Service

Pick a specific part of the conversation happening within the flow (4-5 lines) of the previous task and explain what the source and the sink are speaking to each other. Assignment Writing Service

Plot five flows/profiles (a mix of them) in a graph where one of the axis denotes bits or packets. Investigate and discuss when to consider bits and when to consider packets as the unit of measurement for capacity planning. How would it assist the analysis process if the units of the other axis is changed to” Time of day”? Assignment Writing Service

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