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160.212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment 2

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Massey160212Discrete Mathematics离散数学Partial OrderPermutation

School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences Mathematics Assignment Writing Service

160.212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment Writing Service

Assignment 2 Semester One, 2024 Assignment Writing Service

  1. Let N be the set of all divisors of 60, and let
    P ={aN|4a30}. Assignment Writing Service

    Let be the partial order defined by a b if and only a divides b. Assignment Writing Service

    1. (a)  Draw the Hasse diagram of (P, ). Assignment Writing Service

    2. (b)  For every pair (a,b) of numbers in P evaluate the least upper bound, lub(a,b), or say it does not exist (DNE). Present the values in the form of a table. Assignment Writing Service

    3. (c)  Use your answer to (b) to explain why (P, ) is not a lattice. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Consider the function f : R2 R2 defined by Assignment Writing Service

    f(x,y)=y+17x2, 3 x. 5 10 Assignment Writing Service

    This is the H ́enon map used widely as a paradigm for chaos. Assignment Writing Service

    (a) Is f an injection (one-to-one)? Justify your answer. (b) Is f a surjection (onto)? Justify your answer. Assignment Writing Service

    (c) Deriveaformulaforff. Assignment Writing Service

  3. Let be the binary operation on R defined by
    x y = min(x, y). Assignment Writing Service

    (a) Prove that is commutative and associative.
    (b) Does
    have an identity element? Justify your answer. Assignment Writing Service

    (c) Is (R, ) a monoid? Justify your answer. Assignment Writing Service

4. The multiplicative group modulo 30 is (M30,×30), where M30 is the set of all integers 1 n < 30 with gcd(n, 30) = 1, and ×30 is multiplication modulo 30.
Assignment Writing Service

(a) Determine the order of this group. (b) Show that {1, 11} is a subgroup. Assignment Writing Service

(c) Compute 7(the cyclic subgroup generated by 7). 5. Consider the permutation group S5, and let f, g S5 be Assignment Writing Service

f=1 2 3 4 5,
43251 35142 Assignment Writing Service

(a) Evaluate f g. (b) Evaluate g1. Assignment Writing Service

(c) FindhS5 suchthatf=gh. Assignment Writing Service

g=1 2 3 4 5 Assignment Writing Service

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