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160.212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment 1

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Massey160.212Discrete MathematicsTruth tableBinary Relation

School of Mathematical and Computational Sciences
Mathematics Assignment Writing Service

160.212 Discrete Mathematics Assignment Writing Service

Assignment 1 Semester One, 2024 Assignment Writing Service

  1. Use a truth table to determine whether or not
    p (p ∧ ∼q) r Assignment Writing Service

    is a tautology. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Use truth tables to determine whether or not the expressions
    r ∨ ∼(p q) and (p r) (q r) Assignment Writing Service

    are logically equivalent. Assignment Writing Service

  3. Use the known equivalences listed in Table 1.6 of page 7 of the Study Guide to show p (q ∨ ∼r) and p r ∧ ∼q Assignment Writing Service

    are logically equivalent. Assignment Writing Service

  4. Determine whether or not the following argument is valid or invalid. Assignment Writing Service

    p ∨ ∼q (pr) rs qs Assignment Writing Service

  5. Consider the following proposition concerning real numbers:
    x 1, y x, z 2 such that x + y = z Assignment Writing Service

    (a) Is the proposition true or false? Justify your answer. (b) State the negation of the proposition. Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

  1. Use induction to show that 16n + 10n 1 is divisible by 25 for all integers n 1. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Use induction to show that Assignment Writing Service

    1+1+1+···+1<21 Assignment Writing Service

12 22 32 n2 n Assignment Writing Service

for all integers n 2. Assignment Writing Service

  1. Let A, B, and C be sets. Assignment Writing Service

    1. (a)  Indicate the set (A B) C in a Venn diagram. Assignment Writing Service

    2. (b)  Prove that Assignment Writing Service

      (A B) C = (A C) (B C)
      by showing that the LHS is a subset of the RHS, and then that the RHS is a subset
      Assignment Writing Service

      of the LHS. Assignment Writing Service

  2. Define a binary relation RR×by xRy if and only if 1≤|x|+|y|≤2.
    (This says that a real number
    x is related to another real number y if and only if 1 ≤ |x| + |y| ≤ 2.) Assignment Writing Service

    1. (a)  Sketch R as a subset of the (x, y)-plane.
      That is, shade the set of all points (
      x,y) for which xRy. Assignment Writing Service

    2. (b)  For each of the properties reflexive, symmetric, anti-symmetric, and transitive, either prove R satisfies the property or provide a counter-example to show it does not satisfy the property.  Assignment Writing Service

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