SWD604 Program Design and Construction - Assignment 2: Admin Panel
School of Information Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (Level 6) SWD604 Program Design and Construction
Course Code & Title:
Course aim
This course provides students an introduction to the design and construction of Object-Oriented software. It will extend individual design and programming skills developed in earlier programming courses, with an emphasis on the quality, modularity, and reusability of the software developed. Students will be introduced to current techniques used in software development that allow the goals of software development projects to be realised.
The purpose of this assessment is to assess students’ ability to develop software applying software reuse approaches and assessing the quality of software design and implementation by applying quality assurance and testing techniques.
Assessment Information
This is an individual open-book assessment which is worth 40% of your total assessment weighting of the entire course.
Resources and/or equipment which may be used for this activity:
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NZSE issued material;
your own course notes; and
other resources (referenced and cited).
3. You have 4 WEEKS to complete this assignment Learning Outcomes
This assessment is mapped to the following learning outcomes for this course:
LO 4 Select and apply appropriate approaches to software reuse for maximum benefits of
LO 5 Apply quality assurance and testing techniques to assess the quality of the software
design and implementation.
Graduate Profile Outcomes (this course is mapped to)
GPO 2: Write and maintain complex programs using design patterns, data structures and algorithms to meet specifications and software development standards.
GPO 3: Apply a range of software quality assurance techniques to verify correctness of systems on a range of platforms to meet requirements and document results.
GPO 6: Select, justify and apply architecture, patterns, services, technologies, and tools, to implement the software solution/s using current and emerging technologies.
Any submitted assessment or part of an assessment which has plagiarised content will not be marked.
All cases of plagiarism and/or cheating will be investigated and dealt with according to A08: Misconduct in Assessment Policy.
Submission Instructions
You are
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required to ensure you have carried out the following before submitting your assessment:
Signed assignment coversheet
Place your Name, Student ID number, Assessment and Task Number on all loose documents you are submitting with the assessment.
All answers must be written in your own words.
Proofread and spell check all written assessment work carefully.
DO NOT email your document to your tutor, it must be uploaded to the NZSE LMS
Evidence Submission
You are required to submit the below documents as the evidence of the work done towards the assessment on Canvas
• Visual Studio projects (.sln) file containing all the relevant project files and folders using appropriate naming convention for Task and subtasks wherever applicable(For ex: Task 2_Part
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A, Task 2_Part B etc) - as a zipped folder
Documentation that contains screenshots of your output screen and code with properly
labelled ( .pdf or .docx file) - should not be zipped
Every document submitted online on Canvas should follow the naming convention as below: Course Code_ Assessment Number_ Assessment Name_ Student Number_Document number For example, SWD604_A2_Portfolio_7647XXXXX_1.
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You have been hired as an intern at Ahera Taera and have completed the creation of a customer management system for Ahera Taera, a new retail outlet focusing on a varied range of customers from senior citizens to kids.
Considering all the requirements were successfully completed by you, the manager and the team has hired you to develop the next project phase. You are entrusted to develop an admin panel for the already developed software. This requires you to create the following:
1] An admin account which fulfills all the requirements as described in Task 1 below.
2] A system which has undergone all the necessary testing and checks as enlisted in Task 2 below.
TASK 1: Total 35 marks
LO 4: Select and apply appropriate approaches to software reuse for maximum benefits of reusability.
You need to create Admin functionality keeping the software reusability concept in practice and develop the following functionality.
a. b. c. d.
Admin Login
Admin dashboard
View/ update/ delete order and payment details
Add/ delete/ edit product details
(10 Marks) (10 Marks) (10 Marks) (5 Marks)
Total 65 marks
LO 5: Apply quality assurance and testing techniques to assess the quality of the software design and implementation.
a. Testing: (15 marks)
The goal of testing is to check the functionality of the software. Follow the following format.
A brief introduction on how software quality can be analysed using testing techniques.
Discuss objectives of Integration and Usability testing in the given scenario.
Explain how the following factors influencing testing stage:
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Scope of project
Testing scope
Testing Approach
Testing Environment
Pass/ Fail Criteria of the test
Results of the testing
Test plan
b. Integration Testing: (40 Marks)
The goal of integration testing is to apply quality assurance and testing techniques to assess the quality of the software implemented.
1. Follow the pattern below and develop at least 10 test cases to test the software:
The effectiveness of the system
Is the system easy to learn?
Is the system useful and adds value to the target audience?
Are content, color, icons, images used in the system are aesthetically pleasing?
The efficiency of the system
Minimum navigation should be required to reach the desired screen or webpage, and scrollbars should be used infrequently.
Uniformity in the format of screen/pages in your application/website.
Option to search within your software application or website.
The accuracy of the system
• No outdated or incorrect data like contact information/address should be present. Assessment 2 v1 Page | 5
Execute the developed test cases to check the quality of the software and verify if there exists any bug.
If there exists any bug, analyse it and provide a brief description of its root cause.
Fix the bug that has been detected.
c. Usability Testing: (10 Marks)
The objective of usability testing is to ensure end-user satisfaction by focusing on the following
key parameters of the system.
You need to find at least two partners with whom the end-user application (.exe) file will be
shared. These partners should complete the following checklist and provide a brief justification
for their feedback as a report.
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The user friendliness of the system
Controls used should be self-explanatory and must not require training to operate
Help should be provided for the users to understand the application/website
Alignment with the above goals helps in effective usability testing
Collect necessary feedback
Collect the usability feedback from respective partners and write a brief report which summarizes the effectiveness, efficiency, accuracy, and the user friendliness of your developed software.
• No broken links should be present.
School of Information Technology
New Zealand Diploma in Software Development (Level 6)
Cover Sheet and Student Declaration
This sheet must be signed by the student and attached to the submitted assessment. SWD604
Course Title:
Program Design and Construction
Course code:
Student Name:
Student ID:
Assessment No & Type:
Due Date:
2 – Assignment Portfolio
Date Submitted:
Tutor’s Name:
Assessment Weighting
Total Marks
40% 100
Student Declaration:
I declare that:
I have read the New Zealand School of Education Ltd policies and regulations on assessments and
understand what plagiarism is.
I am aware of the penalties for cheating and plagiarism as laid down by the New Zealand School of
Education Ltd.
This is an original assessment and is entirely my own work.
Where I have quoted or made use of the ideas of other writers, I have acknowledged the source.
This assessment has been prepared exclusively for this course and has not been or will not be submitted
as assessed work in any other course.
It has been explained to me that this assessment may be used by NZSE Ltd, for internal and/or external
If I am late in handing in this assessment without prior approval (see student regulations in handbook),
marks will be deducted, to a maximum of 50%.
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Student signature: Date:
Tutor only to complete
Assessment result:
Mark /100 Grade
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Task |
Assessment Criteria |
Evidence |
Task 1 |
Task 1 LO 4: Select and apply appropriate approaches to software reuse for maximum benefits of reusability |
Admin Login (10 marks) |
Fully functional Admin login has been created using reusability concept. (8-10 marks) |
Partially functional Admin login has been created using reusability concept. (5--7 marks) |
Fully functional Admin login has been created without using reusability concept. (1-4 marks) |
The student has not implemented the task. (0 mark) |
Admin dashboard (10 marks) |
Fully functional Admin dashboard has been created using reusability concept. (8-10 marks) |
Partially functional Admin dashboard has been created using reusability concept. (5--7 marks) |
Fully functional Admin dashboard has been created without using reusability concept. (1-4 marks) |
The student has not implemented the task. (0 mark) |
View/ update/ delete order & payment details (10 marks) |
Fully functional view/update/ delete order & payment details has been created using reusability concept. (8-10 marks) |
Partially functional view/update/ delete order & payment details has been created using reusability concept. (5--7 marks) |
Fully functional view/update/ delete order & payment details has been created without using reusability concept. (1-4 marks) |
The student has not implemented the task. (0 mark) |
Add/ delete/ edit product details (5 marks) |
Fully functional add/delete/ edit product details have been created using reusability concept. (5 marks) |
Partially functional add/delete/ edit product details have been created using reusability concept. (3-4 marks) |
Fully functional add/delete/ edit product details have been created without using reusability concept. (1-2 marks) |
The student has not implemented the task. (0 mark) |
TASK 2 |
TASK 2 LO 5: Apply quality assurance and testing techniques to assess the quality of the software design and implementati on |
Testing (15 marks) |
ALL of the following has been evidenced to check the functionality of software 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Factors (11-15 marks) |
TWO of the following evidence to check the functionality of software is provided: 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Factors (6-10 marks) |
ONE of the following evidence to check the functionality of software is provided: 1. Introduction 2. Objectives 3. Factors (1-5 marks) |
The student has not implemented the task. (0 mark) |
Integration Testing
(40 marks)
ALL of the following has been evidenced to execute the integration testing of the software:
1. Provided 9-10 test cases.
ALL of the following has been evidenced to execute the integration testing of the software:
Provided 6-8 test cases.
Executed the test cases.
ALL of the following has been evidenced to execute the integration testing of the software:
1. Provided 3-5 test
ALL of the following has been evidenced to execute the integration testing of the software:
Provided 1-2 test cases.
Executed the test cases.
Provided 510
executed the
The student has not implemented the task.
Executed the test cases.
Provided detailed
explanation of the test steps.
(32-40 marks)
3. Provided detailed
explanation of the test steps.
(24-31 marks)
Executed the test
detailed explanatio n of the test steps.
(15-23 marks)
3. Provided detailed
explanation of the test steps.
(7-14 marks)
have not provided detailed explanation of the test steps.
(1-6 marks)
(0 mark)
Usability Testing (10 mars) |
ALL of the following has been evidenced to execute the usability testing of the software:
(9-10 marks) |
FOUR of the following has been evidenced to execute the usability testing of the software:
(7-8 marks) |
THREE of the following has been evidenced to execute the usability testing of the software:
(4-6 marks) |
ONE/ TWO of the following has been evidenced to execute the usability testing of the software:
(1-3 marks) |
The student has not implemente d the task. (0 mark) |