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FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2024 - Assignment 2: Markdown to HTML

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FIT2102 Programming Paradigms 2024 Assignment 2: Markdown to HTML Assignment Writing Service

Weighting: 30% of your final mark for the unit
Interview: SWOTVAC + Week 13
Overview: Students will work independently to create a parser for a subset of the Markdown specification using functional programming techniques. Programs will be implemented in Haskell. The goal is to demonstrate a good understanding of functional programming techniques as explored throughout the unit, including written documentation of the design decisions and features. Assignment Writing Service

Submission Instructions Assignment Writing Service

Submit a zipped file named <studentNo>_<name>.zip which extracts to a folder named <studentNo>_<name> Assignment Writing Service

○ You may use additional libraries only for testing purposes. Assignment Writing Service

Table of Contents Assignment Writing Service

Assignment 2: Markdown to HTML 1 Submission Instructions 1 Table of Contents 2 Introduction 3 Assignment Writing Service

Goals / Learning Outcomes 3 Assignment Writing Service

Scope of assignment 3 Assignment Writing Service

Exercises (24 marks) 4 Part A: (12 marks): Parsing Markdown 5 Aside - Text Modifiers (2 marks) 5 Images (0.5 marks) 6 Footnote References (0.5 marks) 6 Free Text (1 mark) 6 Headings (1 mark) 6 Blockquotes (1 mark) 7 Code (1 mark) 8 Ordered Lists (2 marks) 8 Tables (3 marks) 8 Part B: (6 marks): HTML Conversion 9 Text Modifiers (1 mark) 9 Images (0.5 marks) 10 Footnote References (0.5 marks) 10 Free Text (0.5 marks) 10 Headings (0.5 marks) 10 Blockquotes (0.5 marks) 10 Code (0.5 marks) 11 Ordered Lists (1 marks) 11 Tables (1 mark) 11 Part C (6 marks): Adding extra functionality to the webpage 13 Part D (up to 6 bonus marks): Extension 14 Report (2 marks) 15 Code Quality (4 marks) 16 Marking breakdown 17 Correctness 17 Minimum Requirements: 18 Changelog 18 Assignment Writing Service

Introduction Assignment Writing Service

In this assignment, we will use Haskell to develop a transpiler that converts Markdown strings into HyperText Markup Language (HTML). This task involves parsing Markdown syntax and generating corresponding HTML output. A web page is provided, in which Markdown will be sent through an HTML-based websocket connection to a Haskell backend server, the Haskell server will need to convert this Markdown into the corresponding HTML and return it back to the website. A skeleton code was provided which will handle the basic communication between the web page and your assignment code. Assignment Writing Service

You are encouraged to utilise materials covered in previous weeks, including solutions for tutorial questions, to aid in the development of your transpiler. You must reference or cite ideas and code constructs obtained from external sources, as well as anything else you might find in your independent research, for this assignment. Assignment Writing Service

The assignment is split up into Part A (parsing), Part B (pretty printing) and Part C (extras). However, we do recommend completing Part A/Part B in tandem. Assignment Writing Service

The language you will parse will be based on the Markdown specification, however with additional restrictions to reduce ambiguity. It is important that you read the requirements of each exercise carefully to avoid unnecessary work. Assignment Writing Service

Goals / Learning Outcomes Assignment Writing Service

The purpose of this assignment is to highlight and apply the skills you have learned to a practical exercise (parsing): Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Use functional programming and parsing effectively Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Understand and be able to use key functional programming principles (higher order functions, pure functions, immutable data structures, abstractions) Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Apply Haskell and FP techniques to parse non-trivial Markdown text Scope of assignment Assignment Writing Service

    You are only required to parse an expression into the necessary data types and convert the result to an HTML string such that it can be rendered using an existing interpreter. You will not be required to render the Markdown or HTML strings. Assignment Writing Service

Exercises (24 marks) Assignment Writing Service

These exercises provide a structured approach for creating the beginnings of a transpiler. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Part A (12 marks): Parsing Markdown strings Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Part B (6 marks): Conversion between Markdown and HTML Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Part C (6 marks): Adding extra functionality to the webpage. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  (Extension) Part D Part E: extensions for bonus marks! Assignment Writing Service

    You must parse the input into an intermediary representation (ADT) such as an Abstract Syntax Tree to receive marks. This will allow easy conversion between your ADT and HTML. Assignment Writing Service

    You must add deriving Show to your ADT and all custom types your ADT contains. (Note that the skeleton code already has deriving Show on the ADT type for you, which you must not remove.) You must not override this default Show instance as this will help us test your code. Assignment Writing Service

    Your Assignment.hs file must export the following functions: markdownParser :: Parser ADT Assignment Writing Service

    convertADTHTML :: ADT -> String Assignment Writing Service

    Example Scripts Assignment Writing Service

    For each of these exercises, there will be a series of provided Markdown files. By running stack test, it will try to parse the Markdown and save the output to a folder. This will generate HTML which you can manually view for correctness in a browser. During marking, we will be running your transpiler on more complex examples than the provided example scripts, therefore, it is important you devise your own test cases to ensure your parser is valid on more complex Markdown. It will also aim to produce a git diff, which is the difference between your output and the expected output. However, this requires installing the git command line tool. So, ensure that it is installed. Assignment Writing Service

    Furthermore, the more recommended way to test your code will be to use npm run dev in combination with stack run main can be used to run the webpage with a live editor, running your code in real-time. Assignment Writing Service

Part A: (12 marks): Parsing Markdown Assignment Writing Service

The first part of this task, requires you to parse a markdown string into an Algebraic Data Type (ADT). This requires you to define your own Algebraic Data Type and define a series of functions that parse everything in the requirements. Consider that you will need to convert the result to HTML and therefore, your ADT should have enough information to assist you in converting to HTML. Assignment Writing Service

Aside - Text Modifiers (2 marks) Assignment Writing Service

There are six different modifiers for inline text, which can change the way a markdown string will be rendered. You do not have to worry about any escape characters. All text modifiers will need to be strictly non-empty. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Italic Text: Specified by a single underscore character, _. For example, _italics_ Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Bold Text: Specified by a set of two asterisks, **, around a word. For example, **bold** Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Strikethrough: Specified by two tilde characters, ~~, around a word. For example, ~~strikethrough~~ Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Link: Users can include a link to an external page using [link text](URL). For example, [click here](www.google.com). You do not need to consider links inside links. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Inline Code: Users can include code in the middle of sentences, using a backtick character, `. For example, there is `code` here Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  Footnotes: Users can indicate a footnote with [^Z+], where Z+ = {1,2,3,...}, i.e., any positive integer. For example, [^1], [^2] and so forth. Note that you do not need to validate any sort of ordering on these numbers, e.g., the markdown may only contain one footnote [^10]. You also do not need to validate that the footnote comes with an appropriate reference (see Footnote References). Assignment Writing Service

○ Note that there must not be any whitespace inside the [ and ]. For example, [^ 1], [^2 ], and [ ^3] are all not valid footnotes. Assignment Writing Service

You do not need to consider text with nested modifiers, such as **_bold and italics_**. Assignment Writing Service

Unless specified otherwise, the text inside the modifiers can include any amount of whitespace (excluding new lines). For example, _ italics _, **bold **, ~~ strikethrough~~,`inlinecode `,and[linktext](example.com),and [link text] (example.com) are all valid. Assignment Writing Service

Images (0.5 marks) Assignment Writing Service

An image is specified with three parts: Assignment Writing Service

  1. TheAltTextisthealternativetextfortheimage,whichisdisplayedifthe image fails to load or for accessibility purposes. Assignment Writing Service

  2. TheURLis the URL or path to the image file. This can be a web URL or a local file path. The URL cannot contain any whitespace. Assignment Writing Service

  3. TheCaptionTextisthecaptionfortheimage. ![Alt Text](URL "Caption Text") Assignment Writing Service

The alternative text, caption text, and URL should not consider the text modifiers. Assignment Writing Service

There must be at least one non-newline whitespace character between the URL and the caption text. For example, ![Alt Text](URL"Caption Text") is not a valid image. Assignment Writing Service

There must not be any spaces after the ! and before the [. Footnote References (0.5 marks) Assignment Writing Service

Similarly to footnotes, footnote references consist of [^Z+], where Z+ = {1,2,3,...}, i.e., any positive integer, followed by a colon (:), and then some text. Note that this text will not include the text modifiers. Leading whitespace before the text should be ignored. Assignment Writing Service

        [^1]: My reference.
        [^2]:Another reference.
        [^3]:  The 2 spaces after the colon should be ignored

Free Text (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

There can be any amount of text which does not follow any of the following other types. This text may contain the modifiers. For example: Assignment Writing Service

        Here is some **markdown**
        More lines here

Headings (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

Markdown headings are denoted by one or more hash symbols (#), followed by at least one whitespace character (excluding new lines). There can be up to 6 #’s, producing a heading up to level 6. Assignment Writing Service

        # Heading 1
        ## Heading 2
        ### Heading 3
        #### Heading 4
        ##### Heading 5
        ###### Heading 6

Note that because at least one non-newline whitespace character is required, this is not a valid heading: #Heading 1 Assignment Writing Service

Alternatively, Heading 1 and Heading 2 can be specified with an alternative syntax (shown below). On the line below the text, add at least 2 equals sign (=) characters for heading level 1 or at least 2 dash (-) characters for heading level 2. There is no alternative syntax for any other heading levels. Assignment Writing Service

        Alternative Heading 1
        Heading level 2

Importantly, headings may include any of the previously mentioned text modifiers, for example, a heading can be bolded, by surrounding it with a double asterisk. Assignment Writing Service

        # **Bolded Heading 1**

Blockquotes (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

To create a block quote in Markdown, you use the greater than symbol (>) at the beginning of a line followed by the text you want to quote. You can also include multiple lines of text within the same block quote by starting each consecutive line with the greater than symbol (>). Leading whitespace after the greater than symbol (>) and before the text should be ignored. The text inside the block quote may have text modifiers. You do not need to consider nested block quotes. For example: Assignment Writing Service

> This is a block quote.
> It can **span** multiple lines.

Code (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

A code block in Markdown starts with three backticks (```) on a line by themselves, followed by an optional language identifier. The code block ends with another three Assignment Writing Service

backticks on a line by themselves. The code block should not consider the text modifiers. An example code block is: Assignment Writing Service

        main :: IO ()
        main = do
             putStrLn "Never gonna give you up"
             putStrLn "Never gonna let you down"
             putStrLn "Never gonna run around and desert you"

``` Assignment Writing Service

Ordered Lists (2 marks) Assignment Writing Service

An ordered list consists of at least one ordered list item separated by exactly 1 new line character. An ordered list item starts with a positive number, a . (full stop) character, and at least one whitespace character (excluding new lines). An ordered list must start with the number 1, and any number after that can appear. You do not have to consider any other numbering system or an unordered list. Assignment Writing Service

Ordered lists may contain sublists, where there will be exactly 4 spaces before each ordered list item. Each sublist must also start with the number 1. Similar to previous sections, list items may also contain text modifiers. Assignment Writing Service

        1. Item 1
            1. Sub Item 1

2. Sub Item 2 Assignment Writing Service

            3. Sub Item 3
        2. **Bolded Item 2**
        6. Item 3
        7. Item 4

You do not have to handle unordered lists. Tables (3 marks) Assignment Writing Service

To create a table in Markdown, you use pipes (|) to separate columns and at least three dashes (-) between each column to separate the header row from the content Assignment Writing Service

rows. Each column may contain varying amounts of dashes. Each row is written on a separate line. The beginning and ending pipes (|) are compulsory. Each row must have the same amount of columns. Each cell may also contain text with the text modifiers. Leading and trailing whitespace before and after the text in each cell should be ignored. Assignment Writing Service

| Tables | Are | Cool | | ------------- | ------------- | ----- | |here |is |data | |here |is |data | | here | is also | **bolded data** | Assignment Writing Service

Part B: (6 marks): HTML Conversion Assignment Writing Service

The second part of this task requires you to convert your ADT into a HTML representation. The resulting HTML file must be formatted such that it is indented with 4 spaces at the correct level to reflect the tree structure of HTML, ensuring that the HTML is valid and correctly renders the provided markdown. You do not need to indent the text modifiers, but other nested objects should be indentented correctly. Assignment Writing Service

All HTML generated must be a self-contained webpage, i.e., including the following information, placing all generated HTML within the <body> tags. Assignment Writing Service

        <!DOCTYPE html>
        <html lang="en">
            <meta charset="UTF-8">

</head> Assignment Writing Service


As a reference for the conversion between markdown and HTML, here will be listed the conversion of all of the examples from above. Assignment Writing Service

Text Modifiers (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

● Italics: <em>italics</em> Assignment Writing Service

<h1>Heading 1</h1>

Blockquotes (0.5 marks) Assignment Writing Service

Each blockquote must be encased by <blockquote>, while each line within the blockquote must be encased with a <p> tag. Assignment Writing Service

            <p>This is a block quote.</p>
            <p>It can <strong>span</strong> multiple lines.</p>

Code (0.5 marks) Assignment Writing Service

The code block must be encased in both the <pre> and the <code> tags, and the language (e.g., haskell) must be included within the class attribute, prefixed by language-. The newlines and code indentation must remain. Assignment Writing Service

        <pre><code class="language-haskell">main :: IO ()
        main = do
            putStrLn "Never gonna give you up"
            putStrLn "Never gonna let you down"
            putStrLn "Never gonna run around and desert you"

Ordered Lists (1 marks) Assignment Writing Service

Ordered lists must begin and end with the <ol> tag, and each list item must begin and end with the opening/closing <li> tag. Assignment Writing Service

            <li>Item 1
                  <li>Sub Item 1</li>
                  <li>Sub Item 2</li>
                <li>Sub Item 3</li>
            <li><strong>Bolded Item 2</strong></li>
            <li>Item 3</li>
            <li>Item 4</li>

</ol> Assignment Writing Service

Tables (1 mark) Assignment Writing Service

The HTML convention for representing tables involves using the <table>, <tr>, <th>, and <td> elements. <table> represents the entire table, <tr> represents a Assignment Writing Service

row within the table, <th> represents a header cell within a table row, used for the header row, and <td> represents a data cell within a table row, used for the content rows. Assignment Writing Service

<table> <tr> Assignment Writing Service


</tr> <tr> Assignment Writing Service


</tr> <tr> Assignment Writing Service


</tr> <tr> Assignment Writing Service

                <td>is also</td>
                <td><strong>bolded data</strong></td>

Part C (6 marks): Adding extra functionality to the webpage Assignment Writing Service

This task involves changing the webpage to include extra capabilities allowing a more feature-full UI. You will not be marked on the layout, or ease of use of features, as long as they are clearly visible to your marker, e.g., a button should be clearly visible on the screen. This task will involve some light additions to both the HTML page and TypeScript code. This will likely involve creating an observable stream for the data, merging it into the subscription stream, and sending the information to the Haskell backend. The communicated information between the Haskell backend and the webpage will need to be updated to include additional information that the user wants the engine to achieve. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  A button must be added to the webpage for saving, where the converted HTML is saved using Haskell. The user does not need to be prompted for a file name, and the HTML should be saved according to the current time, formatted in ISO 8601 format for the current date and time: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS. The function getTime is provided which will provide you this time in an IO String format. Assignment Writing Service

  • ●  A separate input box, to allow the user to change the title of the page, instead of the default Converted HTML. Assignment Writing Service

Part D (up to 6 bonus marks): Extension Assignment Writing Service

Implement anything that is interesting, impressive, or otherwise “shows off” your understanding of Haskell, Functional Programming, and/or Parsing. Assignment Writing Service

To achieve the maximum amount of bonus marks, the feature should be similar in complexity to Part C (6 marks): Assignment Writing Service

The bonus marks only apply to this assignment, and the final mark for this assignment is capped at 30 marks (100%). This means you cannot score more than 30 marks or 100%. Assignment Writing Service

Some suggestions for extensions of varying complexity and difficulty: Assignment Writing Service

● Markdown validation
○ E.g., enforce all table columns have the same width
Assignment Writing Service

Correct BNF for the Markdown you are parsing in report (worth 2 marks)
○ For any part of the parser which is not context-free, you may simplify the Assignment Writing Service

parsing rules to be context-free. Assignment Writing Service

○ Warning: It is super hard to be comprehensive, stay away unless you love Assignment Writing Service

testing. Assignment Writing Service

Report (2 marks) Assignment Writing Service

You are required to provide a report in PDF format of max. 600 words (markers will not mark beyond this word limit). Descriptions of extensions can use up to 200 words per extension feature. Assignment Writing Service

Make sure to summarise the intention of the code, and highlight the interesting parts and difficulties you encountered. Focus on the "why" not the "how". Assignment Writing Service

Additionally, just posting screenshots of code is heavily discouraged, unless it contains something of particular importance. Remember, markers will be looking at your code alongside your report, so we do not need to see your code twice. Assignment Writing Service

Importantly, this report must include a description of why and how parser combinators helped you complete the parsing. In summary, your report should include the following sections: Assignment Writing Service

Code Quality (4 marks) Assignment Writing Service

Code quality will relate more to how understandable your code is. You must have readable and functional code, commented when necessary. Readable code means that you keep your lines at a reasonable length (< 80 characters), that you provide comments above non-trivial functions, and that you comment sections of your code whose function may not be clear. Assignment Writing Service

Your functions should all be small and modular, building up in complexity, and taking advantage of built-in functions or self-defined utility functions when possible. It should be easy to read and understand what each piece of your code is doing, and why it is useful. Do not reimplement library functions, such as map, and use the appropriate library function when possible. Assignment Writing Service

Your code should aim to re-use previous functions as much as possible, and not repeat work when possible. Assignment Writing Service

Code quality includes your ADT and if it is well structured, i.e., does not have a bunch of repeated data types and follows a logical manner (the JSON example from the applied session is a good example of what an ADT should look like). Assignment Writing Service

Marking breakdown Assignment Writing Service

The main marking criteria for each parsing and pretty printing exercise consists of two parts: correctness and FP style. Both correctness and FP style will be worth 50% of the marks for each of the exercises, i.e., if your code passes all tests, you will get at least half marks for Exercise A, and Exercise B. Assignment Writing Service

You will be provided with some sample input and tests for determining the validity of the outputted HTML files. The sample inputs provided will not be exhaustive, you are heavily encouraged to add your own, perhaps covering edge cases. Assignment Writing Service

Correctness Assignment Writing Service

We will be running a series of tests which test each exercise, and depending on how many of the tests you pass, a proportion of marks will be awarded Assignment Writing Service

FP Style Assignment Writing Service

FP style relates to if the code is done in a way that aligns with the unit content and functional programming. Assignment Writing Service

You must apply concepts from the course. The important thing here is that you need to use what we have taught you effectively. For example, defining a new type and its Monad instance, but then never actually needing to use it will not give you marks. Note: using bind (>>=) for the sake of using the Monad when it is not needed will not count as "effective usage." Assignment Writing Service

Most importantly, code that does not utilise Haskell's language features, and that attempts to code in a more imperative style, will not be awarded high marks. Assignment Writing Service

Minimum Requirements: Assignment Writing Service

An estimate of a passing grade will be parsing up to and including code blocks, but not lists or tables, where the difficulty and the marks step up. However, this will need to be accompanied by high code quality and a good report. Assignment Writing Service

A higher mark will require parsing of the more difficult data structures, and modifications of the HTML page. Assignment Writing Service

Assignment Writing Service

Changelog Assignment Writing Service

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