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COMP1511 Programming Fundamentals - Assignment 2 - CS Dungeon!
COMP1511Programming FundamentalsCOMP1911CS DungeonC
Your task in assignment 2 is to create a dungeon crawler game, where you will get to design a map of connected dungeons filled with monsters, items, and a final boss at the end to defeat! You will get to play as either a Fighter or a Wizard, using your special skills and stats to defeat these monsters and beat the game!
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts - Project 4: CoolPics
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsCoolPicsC++
In this project, you will create a program that reads in a description of shapes, draws those shapes, and saves the result to a file. You will represent the different shapes using classes. Here are some examples of images created by students in past semesters:
EECS 183: Elementary Programming Concepts - Final Project: Elevators
EECS183Elementary Programming ConceptsElevatorsC++
Elevators is a project that dabbles in Game Design, Artificial Intelligence, and designing real-world systems. Using C++, you will complete an implementation for a game in which the player operates 3 elevators in a busy building, making decisions and servicing requests to keep the people inside the building as happy as possible.
CSCI-1200 Data Structures - Fall 2024 Homework 6 - Recursive Kurotto Solver
CSCI1200Data StructuresC++
In this homework we will develop a solver for a paper-and-pencil puzzle game named Kurotto. The input to Kurotto is a 2D rectangular grid where all the cells are initially water. Some of the cells in the grid are labeled with a non-negative integer.
CPS 112: Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data Structures Homework 3 - Fly Away Home
Computational Thinking with Algorithms and Data StructuresFly Away HomeJavaColumbia
For this assignment you will develop a simple game called “Fly Away Home.” The basic idea behind the game is to safely move Mosca around a grid to the home square before he gets eaten. The user will control the movements of the fly using arrow keys, and the frogs will move on their own. I have provided you with most of the GUI implementation. In the rest of this description are the pieces you need to implement.
ELEC576/COMP 576: Introduction to Deep Learning Assignment 1 - Backpropagation
ELEC576COMP576Introduction to Deep LearningPythonBackpropagationNeural Network
In this problem, you will learn how to implement the backpropagation algorithm for a simple neural network. To make your job easier, we provide you with starter code in three layer neural network.py. You will fill in this starter code to build a 3-layer neural network (see Fig. 1) and train it using backpropagation.
CSC4005 Parallel Programming - Project 4 Parallel Programming with Machine Learning
CSC4005Parallel ProgrammingParallel Programming with Machine Learning
In this project, you will have the opportunity to gain insight and practice in using OpenACC to accelerate machine learning algorithms. Specifically, you will be accelerating softmax regression and neural networks (NNs).
31927 Applications Development with .NET - Assignment 2 - GUI
31927Applications Development with .NET32998.NET Applications DevelopmentC#LINQ
This assessment requires you to develop an application with the necessary graphical user interface - GUI (e.g., Windows Form) and underlying functionality based on your proposed topic. This is a group assignment, and each group should ideally consist of a minimum of two and a maximum of three students.
CS460 Introduction to Database Systems - Problem Set 2 - Converting the Oscar table to XML
CS460Introduction to Database SystemsDatabaseXMLJava
In this problem, you will write a series of methods that can be used to create an XML version of the Oscar table from Problem Set 1. Your methods will be part of a larger program that uses the JDBC framework to connect to the SQLite database that you used in PS 1 and to execute the SQL queries needed to extract the necessary data.
COM661 Full Stack Strategies and Development - Assignment 1: Backend
COM661Full Stack Strategies and DevelopmentPythonFlaskMongoDBBiz Directory
Over the course of the module, we construct the Biz Directory - a sample full stack application built around a database containing information on a range of businesses and a collection of user- contributed reviews. This assignment tests your understanding of this material by having you build the back-end of your own full stack application, based around a dataset of your choice