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CS439 Introduction to Data Science - Homework 1: MapReduce, Association Rules, Locality-Sensitive Hashing
CS439Introduction to Data ScienceMapReduceAssociation RulesLocality-Sensitive HashingJava
Write a MapReduce program in Hadoop that implements a simple “People You Might Know” social network friendship recommendation algorithm. The key idea is that if two people have a lot of mutual friends, then the system should recommend that they connect with each other.
EF4323 Trading Room Workshop - Algorithmic Trading Project
EF4323Trading Room WorkshopAlgorithmic TradingVBAPythonETF
In this project, we simulate the algorithmic trading business model, where a small group of proprietary traders tries to attract outside institutional investment by marketing their trading strategies and performance.
SEHH2241 Discrete Structures 2024–2025 Semester One Individual Assignment One
SEHH2241Discrete Structures
Write a truth table for the statement below. Then, determine whether the statement is a tautology, contradiction or contingency. You are required to complete the three main connective columns of the truth table in the answer sheet.
CS480 Operating Systems - Assignment 02 Free Response Questions
CS480Operating SystemsL1 CacheScheduler
A run-time profiling tool shows that a machine with more CPU cores often has better cache hit rate (i.e., more effective caching) than the one with less CPU cores, this is particularly true when running many applications concurrently
TCS3294 Windows Programming - Assignment: Gym Management System
TCS3294Windows ProgrammingC#SQLGym Management System
The aim of the assignment is to expose students to analyse a variety of problem solutions in terms of the design concepts and programming constructs. This assignment will allow the students to produce appropriate system development documentation with complete program using C#.NET Framework programming language and SQL Server. The students should be able to apply their knowledge and skills, creativity, and critical thinking in completing the assignment.
COMP3506/7505 - Algorithms and Data Structures - Assignment Two: Bloom Filter, Pathfinding, Chain Reaction
COMP3506COMP7505Algorithms and Data StructuresPriority QueueBloom FilterGraph
The main objective of this assignment is to extend your knowledge from assignment one to build more complex data structures and solve more complex problems
CS 245 Advanced Programming and Data Structures - Assignment 2 - Mouse Simulation
CS245Advanced Programming and Data StructuresJavaMouse Simulation
This assignment will have you practice developing an OOP as a Java solution and have safe trip . You are to write classes that define a Mouse, Mouse.java, and a Cat, Cat.java
CT047 Systems Programming and Computer Control - Assignment - Smart Home Controller
CT047Systems Programming and Computer ControlSPCCLabViewSmart Home Control SystemSmart Home Controller
A company has received a contract to design a controller for a Smart Home. A Smart Home is a home fitted with controllers and sensors which permit remote control and automation. The specifications and rules are listed below. Your job is to design a controller using LabVIEW that satisfies all specifications.
COMP2022 Models of Computation - Assignment 3: Turing Machine and Morphett notation
COMP2022Models of ComputationTuring MachineMorphett notation
Consider the following deterministic Turing Machine M over input alphabet Σ = {a, b}: (5 marks) State five strings that are in L(M), and five that are not. The strings should be over Σ. (5 marks) Provide a low level description in Morphett notation of a (1-tape deterministic) Turing Machine for the language that has time complexity at most 5n + 5.
ITECH3108 Dynamic Web Development - Assessment 1 - Front-end Development
ITECH3108Dynamic Web DevelopmentFront-end DevelopmentForum ApplicationJavascriptDOM
For this assessment task, you will use skills acquired through the first six weeks of material to build an interactive front-end to an API. You will be developing a front-end for a simple forum application, using front-end JavaScript, the Document Object Model, and fetch to connect to a RESTful web API. You will also submit a written reflection on your learning.